300 pageviews as of April 30, 2013
GLC Voice
Newspaper headlines
(In chronological order. Edited first July 2012, then Ap 2013 thru
Issue 233. 126 pages so far Ap 28, 2013.)
ISSUE #1 (or Volume 1 #7) November, 1979
1979 March on Washington draws
Robin Tyler comes to Minneapolis
to promote Gay Rights
Positively Gay changes name to GLC Voice
Sharon Payne letter
Pat Kaluza letter
Patrick Hero Schwartz letter
Neil Paulson letter
Photos of 1979 March on
Police Federation charged with
Gay 90’s sells for $1,000,000
David Houle trial
David Burke charges DFL cover-up
Gay Counselors form national
Dignity Twin Cities celebrates 5th
Pope irks local gays
Immigration officials harass
Academic Union plans conference
Tyler, Trull and Homi: a cultural,
liberating menage a trois
Review of Ladies in Waiting
Gay/Lesbian Film Festival
Provincetown: notes on struggle
Review of Nighthawks
C.L. Williams II publishes poems
note: Issues 2 through 109 headlines got
stored on a different disk. As of April
2-13, I am trying to find them again and hope to have the complete set of
headlines in order soon. Tim Campbell,
Houston 713 739-7576. timcampbellxyx@yahoo
Issue #110 February 4, 1985
Gay band struts with winter
Rights Commission grants $18,000
to revoked sports
& health club member
Indecent exposure in bookstore
Services offer you a valentine
John Weiser letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Dan Severson letter
Brian Jones letter
Joe Williams letter
David Duke letter
Rick Osborne letter
Jerome C. Samuelson letter
Stan Berg letter
Review of Fury on Earth: a
biography of
Wilhelm Reich
New York judge writes 18 pages
defending equality
for gays
Brian Coyle letter
James M. Kennedy letter
Computer bulletin board expands
capacity for calls
Referendum lost in Houston
Protesters picket apartheid
V.A. court hops on gay father
Manchester City council goes
Argentina gets gay paper
Anti-body for HTLV-III virus
Gay judge reappointed in NYC
after being ousted by democrats
Woman wins tenure offer at
Four indicted for fraud via aids
Black gays get $8,000 grants
Vancouver elections challenged
V A gays bill boarding
Republican gays coming into
Houston voters reject gay rights
A.A.A. OKs gays in Wisconsin
Agnos reintroduces gay rights
bill in California
National gay rights bill
reintroduced in congress
AIDS can attack brain cells
research says
Issue #111 February 17, 1985
CDC downplays drugs, hypes sex
Vice cops spilling blood over
CDC continued
Park board insults angry gays
CDC continued
Analyzed: AIDS and the right to
Winans trial testing metal of
`equality for gays’ concept as applied in New York courts
Poor math buffs can’t use
Bernie’s Beanery drops slogan
Boy Scout suing
Review of Let Me Die before I Wake
Unnerved by wolf-whistling kids
in morocco
Police volunteers sought
Two gay activists join GRNL board
Review of Consenting Adult
Ford Campbell letter
Jean Louie DiBersi letter
Scott Ritchie letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Megatone records keeps profits
promised for aids
Pink lists in Hanover, Germany
Abortion clinic staff acquitted
by Canadian jury
Gay postal workers in Canada save
rights protection
Gay local signs its first
Reagan cutbacks to effect AIDS
Insurance policy for AIDS
Philadelphia Catholics accuse
gays of “creating scandal”
Gay will ruled valid in
Issue #112 March 18, 1985
Fraser curbs sex sleuths
Secret meeting, bloody victim
push Fraser
Vic Basile letter
Howard K. Bell letter
Doug Mamer letter
Robert Byrd letter
Jeff Strand letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Disapproval its own reward!
Pleasure and danger getting rave
reviews in gay press
MCGLR community meeting assesses
role of organization
Blondes pushes perfection to a fault
Outreach team takes work to
Australians preparing for AIDS
Esquire 1984
12% of gay men with AIDS in S.F.
used I.V. drugs
District court rules CIA
dismissal `improper’
California legislature offered
two AIDS test’ bills
Study links oppression to
W. Hollywood OK’s domestic
S.F. Council ‘frees’ adult
bookstores, Feinstein promises veto
Sex spies nixed in S.F.
Hair dresser sues over “gay”
Campbell “running” for
Johnson suggests BCA investigate
European gays convene
Gov. of Washington expected to
issue gay rights directive
Conference of gay and lesbian
Jews announced
Check-ups for colon cancer
S.F. police review folding cases
Anarchists getting organized
GRAM meeting March 11
Congress assesses AIDS crisis
Issue # 113 March 18, 1985
Vice practices reviewed
Temporary restraining order
sought to take heat off gays and off first amendment stores
Brian Coyle letter
Beryl A. Nord letter
Tim Campbell letter
Robert D’Avanzo letter
R.U. Farteen letter
Harvey Hertz letter
James E. Wilkinson letter
Review of The World Can Break Your Heart
GRNL plans reception for rights
bill sponsors
GMHC says AIDS blood test
Various female utopias described,
Spouse-rape bill vetoed in S.D.
Charges dropped against 12
apartheid protesters in Boston
Conference here to spotlight
coming out and families
The immaculate misconception
Strange Loyalties presents somber portraits
Credit where credit due
Lesbian judge appointed in NYC
Military judge convicted of
Black gay `organizer’ convicted
of grand larceny
Lesbian & gay activists
arrested in anti-apartheid protests
Two Supreme Court justices ready
to deal with gay rights
Atlanta cops close bathhouses
Congress arm criticizes
administration’s response to AIDS
Gay conservatives’ group plans
for future
High school cancels tolerance day
Gerry Studds heads coast guard
subcommittee once again
Crack-downs on gays in Poland
HRCF officers urge boycott
Washington governor backs gay
Disneyland must pay $25,000
Gay cop cleared for kissing
NGTF and Lambda secure labeling
Bill Olwell elected to HRCF board
Issue # 114 April 1, 1985
Near mutiny shakes up chorus
Academy awards drip of politics
Minnesota AIDS project statement
on the
HTLV-III/LAV antibody test
Opaque ordinance decision
NGTF creates two new posts
Federal victim policy statement
includes gays
Deliver us from dildoes
Robert Halfhill letter
Jim Millard
Indianapolis to host national
meeting of bathhouses
Review of The World Can Break Your Heart
The spiritual commitment of a
chorus is the seed of its musical excellence
Vancouver AIDS study ranks risk
of sex acts
Chicago N O W president joins
Senator Paul
Simon’s staff
Boston gets rights commission
Matlovich initiates right wing
Supreme Court strikes down
Oklahoma anti-gay law
S.F. cop convicted of assaulting
Miami treating gay bookstore like
porn store
Lesbians convicted of shooting
two men on double date
Issue # 115 April 15, 1985
Ned Rorem and Gay Men’s Chorus
April 28 at Ordway
Brian Lee Blackard letter
John Tidemann letter
Clark Bufkin letter
Jerry Lawrence letter
Times of Harvey Milk, academy
award winner at Uptown Cinema April 17-20
Trial of Foster Winans concludes
NYC gay center refuses meeting
space to NAMBLA
Book review: Patriarchal precedents
Ned Rorem 61, composer, still
sees self as queer
S & M murder stuns New York
gay community
King David dull story
Gay newspapers can’t be sold in
South Africa
Granma criticizes Cuban film
Rabbi `bans’ Jews from voting for
Men arrested, beaten by Chicago
vice also fired
Australia using hot posters to
combat AIDS
Governor of New Mexico signs
executive order for gays
Singing nun and roommate dead in
double suicide
Koch increases AIDS services in
U.S. conference of mayors gives
$19,000 to MN AIDS project
Crew refuses to tape men with
War on AIDS at height in S.F.
Issue # 116 May 6, 1985
National Vigil against AIDS
scheduled for May 27
National lobby director whistle
stops in St. Paul
Berean league forum attracts 100,
takes no decisive action
Allan Spear needs to give a
Mary Emma Hixson letter
Tim Campbell letter
Review of A Hot-Eyed Moderate
Word `lesbian’ not found in new
Pride Committee moves ‘85 block
party, parade finale
Lesbians out in high school
causing furor
S.F. Archdiocese pays $2,250
damages to chorus
Uniform law unconstitutional
1985 S.F. gay pride budget tops
Export beer ‘snicker at gays’ ad
D.C. school board opposes
National Assn. stand on gay teachers
Small Florida town hit with AIDS,
mosquitoes, squalor suspected
Morality politicos opposing
Richmond study shows gays
alienated from law; 30% report assault
Fifth Avenue to get lavender
stripe for gay pride
UC-SF honors Bobbi Campbell
How to free lance for the gay
Lesbians invisible in Toronto IWD
Ritual Homosexuality documented
among New Guinea Natives
Rorem, Krim, Apuzzo honored
Issue #117 May 20, 1985
Fraser refuses to debate Campbell
Women cautioned about incidents
near 34th & Bryant-Dupont
Local courts hand down two
friendly decisions and one unfriendly decision
Report and comment on recent
`public sex’ decisions
Jack Baker Esq. letter
Sharon Stone letter
Robert Halfhill letter
A real hope? FDA approves limited use
AIDS project on the move
DFL endorses Fraser, elects Cole
to chair meetings
Remembering our past may preserve
our future
Anti-Nuclear lust
New immune system test
inexpensive, private
Forum to publish Lesbian Nuns, furor arises
Lesbian sues FBI
New Mexico governor signs
executive order
Suramin helps African AIDS
Democrats on Wisconsin Committee
nix funds 13-1
Anita Bryant fired again
Kissing called risky at Atlanta
conference on AIDS
No gay rights bill for California
this session
NJ AIDS coordinator dies
Controversy results in removal of
children from gay foster home
Appellate court upholds NYC
executive order
Big siblings OK in CA
Texas tech group recognized
Moms and teens sue police
Issue # 118 June 3, 1985
AIDS candlelight memorial starts
new tradition
Publishers of porn for lesbians
show wares at A Brother’s touch
Barbara Kirsch letter
Tim Campbell letter
Tim Campbell letter
M.F.K. letter
Three plays of liberation at
Review of No Magic Bullet
AIDS carriers & Quarantine
AIDS test asked for organ donors
Hetero cops not prosecuting for
sex in parking lot
A guide to safer sex
30 percent D.C. gays exposed to
HTLV-III virus
A whiskey chat with Jim Holmes
VD clinic hours expanded at 315
$2,000 to plug in a microphone
Boston rules sure to exclude gay
foster parents
Memorial Day is dead! Long live “memorial day”!
Arrests made in murder of NYC
Matlovich withdraws sex-ban
initiative in District of Columbia
T.V. program about lesbian nuns
Federal employees in DC and
Baltimore organizing
Age of consent lowering in
Quote of the week
New Zealand gay rights law passes
first hearing
S.F. gay A.A. center loses city
funding, closes doors
Democrats axe caucuses
California AAA gives gay couples
a break
Don’t look now, Endean’s back!
Issue # 119 June 17, 1985 Pride issue
All my copies have disappeared. Check with Mpls Public Library, MN Historical
Society or Library of Congress. Tim Campbell)
Issue # 120 July 1, 1985
Debate assumes no AIDS vaccine
Let’s respond to AIDS with
organizing, caution
not with hysteria in sex, and unity not division regarding the HTLV-III
Addict suffers from Freudian
slips – by Linda Gries
Gay pride says “we” not “me”
Charles Williams letter
Floyd Conaway letter
Debate centers on correct
response to AIDS
Jerry Lawrence dies of coronary
IRUWA/National coalition of black
gays launches membership drive ‘85
Gay rights contributors 93% male
Hollywood seeking HTLV-III
negative blood test before hiring
Gay high school draws “Christian”
Brief filed for bereaved Jim
Paris gays plagued by arrests
Sailor with AIDS denied benefits
Raytheon sued over AIDS
Gay judge draws standing ovation
in NYC
Gay bank in loan trouble
Australia respects bath closures
Wisconsin allocates $200,000 to
AIDS info
Castro area hospital rejects gay
employment clause
AIDS money back for Chicago
U Chicago states it won’t
Jury clears bookstore lawyer
Issue # 121 July 15, 1985
Milwaukee wins July softball
Knutson murder denied release
Treadway and Antongiovanni
address Minneapolis Rights Commission
Gay pride parades attract large
crowds this year
The next time you get fucked by a
man to die for, be sure you mean it! Guest editorial by Brian Jones
John Weiser letter
Frank S. Rhame letter
Donald M. Fraser letter
Erudition and raunch on TV
Fridays at 7:00 and 8:00 p.m.
New work on AIDS and psychiatry
Review of The Swashbuckler
Review of Misfortune’s Friend
New rules for rights complaints
“Theme of Liberation” a resounding success
Bishops test United Methodist ban
of gay ministers
Traetow dead one year now
San Francisco man bites cop,
HTLV-III test sought in court
Hollywood backs off HTLV-III
Lesbians arrested at birthday
Church charged with sex slavery
California governor nixes AIDS
Castro area plans heroes welcome
for TWA hostages
Navratilova comes out
Advocate publisher David
Goodstein dies at 53
Gays attacked laying death camp
wreath in France
Boston gay bars resisting Coors
Chicago Unitarians “call” gay
Issue # 122 August 5, 1985
Gay activist running symbolically
for mayor
HTLV-III test available at Red
Door and St. Paul
Public Health Department
Minneapolis does not need decoy
AIDS project statement on
Locals find situation in
Nicaragua improved under
Robert Halfhill letter
Ken Nicolai letter
Anonymous letter
MN AIDS Project letter
Brian J. Coyle letter
Clifford M. Greene letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Gay defendants guilty in Wall
Street Journal ‘insider trading’ case
Paul Castro dies of AIDS
Lambda director Tim Sweeney
visits here
Captain Condom, and the Minnesota
AIDS Project urging safe sex
Urban Guerrillas sue Highland
Hyperlexic tells all
Mad Max lacks violence
Take back the night, ye fairies!
Crime victim help here now
Pacifica hotel now billed as
“world’s largest gay resort”
AIDS research referendum sought
in San Francisco
AIDS hits Southeast Asia
Ex-cop found guilty of extorting
gay bars near Philadelphia
Lesbian group disrupts women’s
U.S. gay groups participate
poorly in international conference
Pedophile town in Philippines
headed for change
Chicago raises $4,000 for AIDS
Rectal Gonorrhea down 85% in San
Wisconsin’s 47 AIDS cases
Pentagon stalls HTLV list
Reagan administration doubles
request for AIDS money
San Juan murders over 100
Issue # 123 August 19, 1985
HTLV-III tests suggest low exposure
in Twin Cities
Minnesota gay men exposed to
HTLV-III at rate of only five to ten percent
Everett W. Jose letter
Eric Shambach letter
Robert D’Avanzo letter
Jean Nickolas Tretter letter
Review of Beyond Power
Gay defendants get jail and fines
in Wall Street Journal case
New work discusses ‘disorderly
conduct’ among women
NGRA settles employment case
LeSeur cop fired for sex at
municipal pool and airport… gun threats ignored
BWMT convention sparkles; leaders
plan for growth and militancy
Death Valley Rose walking 130
miles across desert for AIDS project
Bookstore law suit certified as
‘class action’ by Judge Porter
Jim Heiss, 35, dies of AIDS
Tony Gerken dies at 23
State Farm California extends
benefits to gay couples
Priests’ group endorses gay rights
INS may deny American citizenship
to gay Cubans
New York House passes partial gay
rights bill
Beauticians awarded $100,000 in
Provincetown: arrests at beaches
are felonies
Milan gets gay councilmember
Gay lawyer seeks Tip O’Neil’s
seat in Congress
Helms talking porn again
San Franciscan awarded $125,000
after police brutality
Fire Island Benefit raises
$200,000 for AIDS
Film on AIDS patient funded at
LA Council passes AIDS ordinance
Abbott developing new HTLV-III
NYC plan for AIDS patients stirs
Self-selected tests show 33%
positive in San Francisco
13 year old Indiana boy with Aids
barred from school
CDC expands AIDS definition
AIDS virus found in tears,
precautions suggested
AIDS riddle partially solved
80% gay San Franciscans using
safe sex
Aspirin may help prevent AIDS
Issue # 124 September 3, 1985
Vote September 17: Minneapolis
FBI probing police beating of 71
year old Hmong man
City Council primaries pit hope
against homophobes
Gays roust cops 11 to 9 at Parade
Rob Saken letter
Patrick J. McNally letter
Nels Sandberg letter
Bob Radzak captures “Mr. Saloon”
title for 1985
Review of Kiss of The Spider Woman
Bathhouse association launches
national `safe sex’ campaign
Village People pack ‘em in for
shows at Gay 90’s Annex
Fraser and Bouza loose appeal on
bookstore suit
Mugging at East River Flats
Audition notice: Men’s Chorus
Review of Sexism and God-Talk
Plans for Gay Games II
In defense of imperfect love
Target City, in debt on Gay Pride
Festival, talks of discontinuing
J. Gordon dies with AIDS
“Feminists” give conflicting
testimony at Chicago hearing
Aids in the news elsewhere
L.A. raising $1.6 million for
Massachusetts allots $1.8 million
for AIDS
Man who exposed Megatone fraud
dies of AIDS
Alameda County funds $15,000
billboard campaign for safe sex
San Francisco sees numerous AIDS
related suicides
New AIDS tested at Praxis
Joan Rivers’ comments heighten
controversy over AIDS and kissing
California legislative committee
passes bill to restore vetoed AIDS money
Military blood donors to be
tested and identified when HTLV-III positive
L.A. Pride events net big profits
San Francisco breaks even
Lesbian passes mayor’s seat to
gay man in West Hollywood
Brian Jones resigns as news
editor of Bay Area Reporter
Coors dropping suit against
boycott organizers
“Death Valley Rose” completes
walk successfully
Federal jury awards female couple
Indianapolis anti-porn ordinance
ruled “over-broad”
Attack victim sues San Francisco
France passes gay rights bill
Issue # 125 September 16, 1985
Mayoral candidate pushes city to
do more to prevent spread of AIDS in Minneapolis
Fraser skips GRAM program
The new plague, in perspective
A new panel to hear complaints on
Loring realtor donates space for community
Gay Men’s Politics letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Anonymous (Skid Row) letter
Courtney B. Spitz letter
Emma Hixson letter
Anonymous Family Member letter
Bob Heinz letter
New York Native assails CDC
misconceptions regarding AIDS
GLC Voice to open office on
LaSalle Ave
Minneapolis team places third in
Gay World Series in Milwaukee
Review of Magic Mommas, Trembling Sisters,
Puritans & Perverts
Dignity Convention in New York
City attracts over 800 gay Catholics
Respect for the sovereignty of others:
an issue both gay and international
Italian residents want mayor to
ban gays
Anti-porn referendum coming in
Cambridge, Illinois
Cincinnati cop seizes “Madonna
issue” of Penthouse
New Jersey Commissioner allows
girl to sign up for high school football
New York charges five hospitals
with mistreatment of PWAs
5th Circuit upholds
Texas sodomy law
Chicago man admits killing
transvestite who fooled him
Oklahoma anti-gay bills signed by
Cop able to refuse polygraph
about gayness
Film/video shoot studio opens in
P.W.A. sponsored in L.A.
“Superman” competition
New York issues memo on AIDS to
state’s hospitals
Philadelphia waiters organize
AIDS benefit
Detroit TV station bans man with
Insurance companies talk of
screening with HTLV-III tests before insuring
Mouth fungus possibly sign of
HTLV-III may only infect the
immune weak
Death Valley Rose raises $10,000
for AIDS
Issue # 126 October 7, 1985
AIDS experts convene in
Politicians cut $100,000 asked
for the Minnesota AIDS Project
Analysis of primary votes charts
gay clout
Gay PAC contributes to 23
politicians in NYC
Condoms: 99.5% safe? 0.5% unsafe???
Studies at Jewish Center for
Immunology link ``poppers’’ and risk of catching AIDS
Kick-Off Brunch attracts fifty to
Gay 90’s to plan for AIDS benefit
315 Club starts monthly open
Latimer names gay liaison
War, porn and AIDS!
AFL-CIO nixes resolutions on gay
Rick Bowler dies at 35 of
Curran to address Parents of Gays
Gender identify conferences here
Anonymous letter
Dennis Kearney letter
Bette letter
A Reader letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Karen Edwards letter
Colorado registering HTLV-III
Over 2,000 Gays and Lesbians
celebrate AA’s 50th birthday
Resistance deters rape, study
Seattle politician campaigns for
Reorganized Saints ordaining
GayLife Chicago staff splits up
Prisoners demonstrate for health
care for PWA in Brussels
Travel your way to sucess
Washington doctor challenges CDC
risk figures for drug users
Elysian Field reissuing Boys for Sale
NAMBLA Conference Nov. 8-10 in
Impersonators raise $1,400 for
Jerry’s Kids
Issue # 127 October 21, 1985
Dan White decision appealed to
Guthrie audiences
Over 200 attend first Midwest
Regional Men’s Conference October 11-13
Minnesota AIDS Project gets lost
dollars then more dollars from State and County
Safe sex is not natural… but
“Smoking Mad” about freedom of thought
HRCF raises $130,000 at Jerry
Herman Salute in Washington, D.C.
Rev. A.J.R. Brossard letter
Ira Glasser letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Little Gay Cafe gets big and
beefy new menu
Tim Sweeney resigns from Lambda
NAMBLA Conference November 8-10
NGRA launches AIDS Civil Rights
Conference for senior workers
November 1
Gay Pride Coordinators convene in
First entries received for Gay
Games II
Quarterly seeks articles, pays
Gay Community Services locks the
A Jewish congregation confronts
High ranking German “out”
Israeli scientist claims
`treatment’ for AIDS
Big Apple plans to out-benefit
San Francisco for AIDS
Seattle bars, baths meet to work
against AIDS
Nevada sodomy law attacked
Houston police trail sexually
active person with AIDS
House authorizes Surgeon General
to close bathhouses
AIDS cases in San Francisco
plateauing for the moment
New Jersey politico seeks
HTLV-III tests for wedding license applicants
CDC gives large AIDS grants to
Denver, Dallas, Seattle, NYC
Issue # 128 November 4, 1985
Dan White commits suicide
French doctors improve T-cell
count with Cyclosporine
San Francisco dermatologist
claims improvement in T-cell count with DNCB treatment
A pimp by any other name…
Morality, AIDS and the Bathhouses
ARC patient urges safe sex
Tim Campbell letter
Olaf Odegaard letter
Joan Gallik letter
Caitlin C. Ryan letter
Bill Walker letter
Review of The Evergreen Chronicles
Clark appointed to Democrat
Review of The Male Couple
Gay and Straight couples equal
Insurance company announces blood
tests for AIDS in 5 states
Liz Taylor canonized for “fag
hag” roles
Mississippi cops arrest
impersonators during benefit
GEMA raises $1,343 for AIDS
Nikki Craft in Des Moines
AIDS panic in schools near
Washington D.C.
“Straight Slate” campaign in
NYC judge calls for quarantine
Wisconsin insurance companies
pushing for HTLV results
NYC hospital gets $150,000 for
experimental drugs clinic
Report identifies shortfalls in
NYC for AIDS patients
Referendum at Georgetown U on
funding gay group
India training transvestites
Houston mayor the gay choice
New Jersey bookstore closed
New hepatitis vaccine may be
Bostonians attack governor at
AIDS benefit
Issue # 129 November 18, 1985
National document credits gays,
hairdressers, restaurant workers
Health and Human Services AIDS
Commentary: Risk definitions need
one meaning for all ``high risk’’ groups
Getting tougher about AIDS
William J. Davis letter
Eric L. Shambach letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Follow up study on hepatitis
Duluth gays united in Lutheran
Man sues Rock Hudson estate for
$10 million
National funeral directors adapt
new policies
Review of An Early Frost
AIDS claims Howard Backer
Simon selected as New York
AIDS issue producing new wave of
gay activism in Twin Cities
Senate approves $221 M for AIDS
French experimental AIDS
treatment continues despite death
Benefits awarded to gay man
caring for dying lover
Pennsylvania legislature
considers AIDS transmission penalties
Panel espouses genetic cause of
New York authorizes closing of bathhouses,
bookstores, bars
San Antonio penalizes people with
Judge rules parade may bar gays
Canada seizes gay books
Sociologists to study leading
Tennessee police charge 19 year
old girl with rape
Issue # 130
Gay festivities planned for holidays
Rights Commission pondering AIDS
Review of Torchlight to Valhalia
Review of Desert of the Heart
Review of Spring Forward, Fall Back
MCLU challenges Minnesota sodomy
Sex and science
Who decides what’s good for us?
Roger Jacobey dies of AIDS
Mark Yarbrough dies at 27
Review of The Destroying Angel
Defense contractor sued over AIDS
Rights Commission
Skin flick producer releases
“safe sex” video
Coors Boycott holding strong in
Twin Cities
The New York Mineshaft remembered
I feel ergo I am! (review?)
Reed caresses audience
Former lesbian mayor indicted
Survey shows sex practices
San Francisco targets baths again
New York City closes Mine Shaft
AIDS in Soviet Union
Joy of Gay Sex banned in Canada
Fabian Bridges dies in Houston
New cabaret on East Hennepin
FBI kept file on Rock Hudson
CIPHR to address gay insurance
Transfusions help AIDS patients
AFL-CIO adopts AIDS resolution
“AIDS policy and Law” newsletter
Bigots in U.S. and New Zealand
Issue # 131 December ?, 1985
Gay jewelers strike out on own…
Details announced for Super
Sunday AIDS Fundraiser
European statistics rank IV drug
use, gay sex equally in AIDS transmission
Brian J. Coyle letter
David Lindahl letter
Scott M. Engstrom letter
Ted Hubbard letter
Nikki Craft letter
Review of God’s Country
Atheists counter Biblicists
Games II contest
Lesbian and gay officials release
press statement
Review of White Nights
Partial funds available for cable
T.V. productions
Review of Fantasize
N.J. bill requires registration
of bookstore patrons
New York moves against hotels
NYC gays protest city council
Denver company offers “AIDS free”
Parents fail to overturn gay
son’s will
Houston gay teacher loses job because
of picture
Dallas gay activist ousted from
city commission
AMA debates marriage licenses and
AIDS discrimination
Gay and lesbian voting patterns
will be studied
Bishops’ committee favors shared
communion cup
Issue # 132 January 6, 1986
Investigations probe fates of three men; two now dead
(Chenoweth, Dratz shootings
Celebrity bartenders lined up for
January 12 fundraiser
British expert links AIDS and
germ warfare
Let us protect ourselves! The
battle for safe sex in the baths
Gay Men’s Health Crisis Inc
David Irwin letter
Joan letter
Bill Glover letter
Ricky Bohannon letter
Larry Larson letter
Walt Apple letter
Local transsexuals on Channel 5
Tom Stoddard heads Lambda office
NGTF Fund for Human Dignity seeks
executive director
Memorial for Bob Anderson January
Review of Jealousy
AIDS benefit prayer service
attracts broad interfaith support
Parents of gays founder dies
AIDS in the workplace
teleconference Mar. 26
Quatrefoil Library has a home
California study shows condoms halt
Review of The Color Purple
Indiana considers closing all gay
Judge rules against overturning
Nevada sodomy law
S.F. adopts bill to protect
people with AIDS
Wisconsin law protects HTLV-III
L.A. bans high risk sex
Accuracy of HTLV-III tests
challenged again
CDC releases guidelines for
AIDS patient charged with murder
for spitting
Lesbians part of AIDS
insemination study
Lesbian sues Central Intelligence
Denver segregates gay prisoners
Condoms show to block AIDS virus
in tests conducted at University of California
Yellow Pages runs Wisconsin gay
Gays allowed in Michigan Phone
Pennsylvania OKs insurance
company’s query
Detroit newspaper OK’s classified
ads for gays
Internships available at HRCF
Conference planned for Midwest
Issue # 133 January 20, 1986
Young gays give $25,000 to fight
Christopher Isherwood dies at 81
Conference explores AIDS and
Update on Thompson-Kowalski case
Cruising continues in gay bars
despite string of murders
Jury rules “first degree murder”
Gary M. Rankila letter
Walt Apple letter
Isherwood dies
New work includes essays
analyzing Freud
Forum on contact tracing for AIDS
scheduled for January 29
U of M Hospitals seek status for
experimental drug use with AIDS patients
Sea gull hotel in Miami makes
pitch for the gay crowd
Saliva risk low researchers say
Gallup Poll says AIDS has hurt
gay image
Florida gay man wins AIDS
discrimination suit
New York closes St. Mark’s Baths
New York makes sex ban final
Boston rejects quarantine plan
States urged to keep records on
HTLV-III positives, partners
Police in Kansas and Rhode Island
taking no chances with AIDS
Survey shows poor health service
for lesbians
Gay veterans soliciting on 250
S.F. parade committee may drop
“lesbian” from title
Human Rights physicians develop
working definition for “ARC”
Insurers predict huge AIDS claims
in two years
Polish communists OK gay
Texas rules on AIDS quarantine
Canada rules sex toys illegal
Jon Hassel at WAC Jan. 23
I.N.S. OKs gay Cuban
Task force to study gay and
lesbian teenage suicide
Blind Playboy readers sue for
Braille edition
Britain loses case against
“homosexual spy ring”
S.D. jury awards damages to women
Issue #
134 February 3, 1986
Wave of murders may total
State moving toward AIDS contact
Morris L. Floyd letter
Randi M. letter
Review of Sheer Madness
The Seven Deadly Sins go gay
Bottle babies: problems facing the children of alcoholics
Mariposa Foundation pushing new
lubricant with spermicide in conjunction with condoms
Memorial service for Richard
Torrance February 8 at Metropolitan Community Church
Cross dressers on T.C. Live
MCGLR/PAC reorganizes, sets
strategy for coming year
Wisconsin TV director Tom Frey
dies of AIDS
Thousands cross border for banned
anti-AIDS drugs
S.F. “fag bashers” convicted of
New York gay man seeks spousal
Military AIDS test lists made
Moral Majority becomes Liberty
Washington Governor issues order
protecting gays
Dutch accept gay diplomats’
Chicago union contract protects
Texas backs down on AIDS
Moscow has one gay bar
China testing tourists for AIDS
S.F. calls for ban on poppers use
Issue # 135 February 17, 1986
“No proposals from AIDS Project”
says state official now pushing contact tracing
CDC and Seattle release names of
AIDS patients
Hanan J. Rosenstein M.D., John K.
Weiser, M.D., Rob Saken, M.D. – letter
Brian J. Coyle letter
Rick Osborne letter
Minnesota Alliance against Aids
Donald M. Baumgartner letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Let’s spend $585,000 on risk
reduction ads this year, then cooperate with contact tracing later
Give feminism a break, D’Souza
Gay bar owner running for office
in Chicago
Hennepin County adopts positive
AIDS policies
Mayors’ conference deals with
several aspects of AIDS
Anonymous letter
Phil Wallace letter
Oral sex probably safe, Canadian
studies say
The AIDS virus: Equine
Coors beer banned in Boston as
Panic in the west, or what’s
behind the sensation over AIDS
How to make AIDS a top priority
Red Door Clinic expands hours for
all tests
GayLife Chicago stops publishing
Four Michigan gay men are murder
Philadelphia gay bookstore faces
British court battle
Missouri drops AIDS test for hair
Choral directors change gay
exclusion policy
Real estate agents consider AIDS
disclosure policy
Scientists discover molecules
that bind AIDS virus
Alaska court upholds firing
British elect first lesbian mayor
White House policy calls for
firing gays on staff
Virginia may reverse ban on gays
in bars
NGRA files brief in U.S. Supreme
Court sodomy case
Issue # 136 March 3, 1986
Bill Runyon’s day for AIDS
Frank Rhame (U of M Hospitals)
Robert Halfhill letter
Contact tracing almost law
Presentation before the State
Task Force on AIDS
Richard Grass’ body identified
History of NAMBLA recounted in
new publication
New AIDS experiments at
Review of Ran
Thompson/Kowalski case to Supreme
AIDS Clinic established in St.
Anonymous tests at Room 111 in
St. Paul
Suspect sought in gay murders in
six states
Review of Welcome Home Bobby
Minnesota AIDS Project position
paper on contact tracing
Personal experience with contact
Pioneer gay activist takes on
Georgetown University
Alaska court upholds custody
rights of lesbian
Government seeks screening of
immigrants for AIDS
Florida surgeon did not transmit
AIDS virus to patients
NGRA challenges insurance
Reagan seeks $50 M AIDS funding
“Gay panic” defense helps
Virginia killer
New York City bans gay books
Maine jury refuses to indict gay
Homosexuals Anonymous promotes
“ungay” program
Issue # 137 March 17, 1986
Elected gays converge on hill to
Bill Runyon dies following
tribute; service Tuesday
State AIDS Task Force waxes
assertive with Health Department
David Thorstad letter
Eleanor Wright letter
Mark Kasel letter
Robert Halfhill letter
John Seman letter
Brian J. Coyle letter
Betty O’Brien letter
Review of Buddies
HTLV test may be OK’d as screen
Statement of lesbian and gay
elected officials
Review of The Female Malady: Women, Madness, and English Culture, 1830-1980
Telephone sex: crude and lewd,
but safe!
Steven Luke dies March 8
California ad campaign fights
AIDS ignorance
Philadelphia school district
launches AIDS education campaign
Denver drops “impersonator”
charge against gay
Washington gay rights measures
attacked by bigots
Chicago court orders blood test
for gay father
CDC’s Dowdle to direct federal
AIDS program
CDC censors AIDS education
Lesbian wins 10 year battle with
U.S. Army
NSA agrees to reinstate Two
Gay man brings AIDS suit against
Blue Cross
Record producer pleads guilty to
AIDS funds embezzlement
Issue # 138 April 7, 1986
Nun asked to resign
AFRAIDS explodes in Minneapolis
National conference opposes mass
HTLV-III testing
$10,000 ad campaign for April
(below) harmful not helpful
MURDER: is what one AIDS patient
calls it
Michael E. Moen M.P.H. letter
Marilyn Lantry letter
Eric L. Shambach letter
Timothy L. Piepkorn letter
Jack Holman letter
Stoney Bowden, Leo Treadway
A Seventh Ward Closet Queen
Two new groups form around AIDS
Oberholtzer Foundation slide show
April 10
Review of The Handmaid’s Tale
April 6 Star-Tribune editorial
Review of Trouble in Paradise
MAAA position on WCCO affair
MAP position on WCCO affair
Campbell’s position on WCCO
Review of Our Three Selves
N.Y. City Council passes gay
rights measure
New regulations harass Florida
gay bars
Houston gays receive bogus
Lesbian politician convicted of
L.A. health law forces bathhouse
to close
British launch safe-sex campaign
Landlord backs down in attempt to
evict gay actor
Lesbian bounced by military for
saying the word
Detroit gay-bashers get off easy
Justice Dept. drops anti-gay
National insurance commission
includes gays
Issue # 139 April 21, 1986
Infected pork may cause AIDS
William F. Buckley’s editorial
calling for “tattoos for AIDS”
Jean Jilson letter
Stoney Bowden letter
Richard Johnson letter
Tim Campbell letter
Allan H. Spear letter
Tim Campbell letter
Living and Loving Conference
offers a time of exploration and mutual affirmation
Chained AIDS vigil keepers approach
sixth month
Wis. Assembly defeats attempt to
weaken gay protections
East Coast West Coast Man offers
reasonable, relaxed shopping
Review of My Two Loves
Statement of National Health
Conference opposing mass testing for HTLV-III antibodies
MN Physicians for Human Rights
opposes mandatory testing
Affirmation message to United
Methodists on AIDS situation
Y’all Come Back Saloon approaches
one decade of continuous service to community
Morris Floyd becomes spokesperson
for United Methodist group
Pride Institute holds open house
4,000 mile Cycle for Life journey
starts May 26
Review of Women & Analysis
Flint loses, bigots win in
U.S. Supreme Court hears Georgia
sodomy case
Lesbian barred from re-entering
Canada comes out against anti-gay
Gay computer programmers sue
Defense Department
Army unit investigated for
Colorado House passes AIDS
quarantine bill
Kinsey Report will be updated
Progress towards AIDS vaccine
Issue # 140 May 5, 1985
Bad statistics spoil AIDS plans
C. Hansen letter
Anonymous letter
Anonymous letter
Stoney Bowden letter
One man’s walk through the
National Lesbian/Gay Health Conference
Review of Xposed
Minnesota needs massive ad
campaign to slow down AIDS
Morris Floyd seconds ad campaign
Genetically altered Swine Flu
vaccine on market despite AIDS connection
Review of The (M)other Tongue: Essays on Feminist Psychoanalytic Interpretation
Bookstore plans help for British
Gays brief Surgeon General for
AIDS report
Tim Campbell letter
Eric L. Engstrom letter
Jim St. George letter
Anti-gay violence and harassment
widespread in 1985
U.S. germ-warfare experiments
Plymouth House started with gift
from the Atons
California stops calling AIDS a
job-related illness
Police in Washington, D.C. suburb
arrest gay male escort
Gays cause trouble for Jerry
NYC Council committee weakens gay
rights bill
U.S. may bar entry to people with
Insurance company withdraws
discriminatory guidelines
U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear
Kowalski case
Denmark study pegs higher AIDS
rate for HTLV-III positives
French gay author Jean Genet dies
April 15
Issue # 141 May 19, 1986
Why can’t Sharon come home? By
Julie Miller
Contact tracing arrives
Frank S. Rhame M.D. letter
Memorial Day Vigils planned
around world May 26
Brian Coyle letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Kelly Mattison letter
Anonymous letter
Miller's beer sponsoring volley
ball tournament
Let's hear it for doomsday!!!
Raider of the vinyl closet, come
Review of Two Handfuls
Review of A Room with a View
Early games show well matched
teams in Goodtime League
Reagan answers questions about
Gay monarch will be commemorated
Gay sailor sentenced to hard
Lesbian regains teaching post
AIDS discrimination suit filed
against insurance co.
Idaho House passes anti-gay bill
Resistant gonorrhea strain found
Genetically altered vaccine for
swine wins U.S. approval
Survey on AIDS in the workplace
HHS agrees to investigate AIDS
Issue # 142 June 2, 1986
Cloud 9 Americans Capture
Milwaukee Classic
Cup/Minneapolis teams take 3 of
top 5 spots
Happy Independence Day! You're quarantined!
Why can't Sharon come home? Part II
Prejudice, not democracy, deals
in `dangerous persons'
Pigs in Bell Glade test positive
for antibodies to HTLV-III
A Catholic Priest letter
Sam S. Sivanich letter
Rick Osborne letter
Nicholas E. Bader letter
Kevin Asp letter
John White M.D. letter
Alliance against AIDS plans to
protest June 10
Candles encompass Loring Park
Lake for vigil
James Gaard dies
Softball League to host Gay Pride
Block Party
Insurers cannot deny coverage
Review of Inevitable Love
Review of Hidden Pleasures
Minnesota AIDS project activities
Government strategies wasteful
and needlessly oppressive
If pornography is lies about
women, then are lies about women pornography?
NGLTF board consolidates
organization in Washington
Fargo mayor declares Gay-Lesbian
AIDS survival study seeks
Georgia bans gay bathhouses
Insurance company demands blood test
for gay man
Lambda asks Missouri Supreme
Court to overturn “sexual misconduct” law
Task force calls for expanded
federal AIDS effort
Preemptory exclusion of blacks
barred by Supreme Court
Protesters change “secret deal”
made with Ribavirin manufacturer
Colorado Quarantine Bill passes
Issue # 143 June 16, 1986
Protest zaps MN Health Department
A new deal or no deal
An interview with Arthur Bressan,
faggot, film maker and towering artist
Review of Parting Glances
Rick Osborne, Tim Piepkorn, Gary
Rankila letter
Tim Campbell letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Tim Campbell letter
Walt Apple letter
Softball progresses as usual
New study from San Francisco
gives yellow-green light to oral sex
Responding to AIDS: Christian
repentance needed
MN Physicians oppose contact
tracing emphasis
Brian Coyle letter
Brian Coyle letter
Hewetson and Irwin speak at
American Atheists
Gay Games II features
"Procession of the Arts"
Y.E.S. starts council for gays
and lesbians
American Foundation for AIDS
research awards
$1.1 million in first group of
Indiana bookstore files suit
against AIDS ordinance
Priest forced to bless corpse of
Italian gay man
Elizabeth Taylor seeks AIDS
funding from Senate
250,000 AIDS cases predicted by
Police order removal of gay videos
from Maryland store
Colorado quarantine bill dies for
want of a compromise
At alternate sites nationwide, 17
percent test positive
30 to 60 years for pedophile
clown in Michigan
Change in N.Y. gay rights law
Campbell withdraws from senate
race; seeks house seat
Issue # 144 July 7, 1986
Supreme Court divides over sodomy
AIDS: Mother Nature's final
Brian Coyle letter
Walt Apple letter
Mark Swaney letter
Gay pride is like the Christmas
Plaintiff winning in suit against
Folks urged to phone the White
House throughout July
DFL Convention passes pro gay and
lesbian planks
Morris Floyd letter
Paul Lohmann letter
D.J.M. letter
Two saliva studies reassuring
Homophobia plagues fathers
Gays and lesbians look at
Billy Bono, musician dies of AIDS
Billy Bono letter
Meese Commission: porn catalogue a best seller
State bill dies after
introduction of anti-gay amendments
Housing authority of Philadelphia
revises clause to protect gays
Judge throws out order to test
Falwell toll-free line back
East German gay conference
I.G.L.T.F. recommends
nondisclosure for PWAs
Dallas bar requires dresses for
Sailor refuses to take antibody
Florida bailiff refuses to
fingerprint PWA who gets two years quarantine
Issue # 145 July 21, 1986
Concerts reviewed by three
different viewers
Meese Commission legislating
morality not non-violence
Ann Bancroft appearance causes
In New York Times article,
Harvard health school dean urges advertising campaigns to stop AIDS spread
Walt Apple letter
Tim Piepkorn letter
Eileen O. letter
Robert Halfhill letter
August Berkshire letter
Mark Andrew letter
Michael Herbert Shadick letter
L.C. Kitter & W.F. Small
Messick appointed to GALA
choruses board
Becoming our own heroes
Gary Heideman dies of AIDS
Picture and article by murder
suspect (Chenoweth & Dratz murderer?)
Madison will install gay
NYC Gay Men's Health Crisis
produces erotic safe sex video educator
Review of Not Wanted on the Voyage
Gays arrested under Ohio city's
obscenity law
Review of The Year of Living Androgynously
Referendum on obscenity defeated
Adrienne Rich receives $25,000
AFSCME again supports gays
AIDS suit against U.S. dismissed
D.C. criticized for delays in
AIDS funding
Legislator moves to restrict sale
of poppers
Paris AIDS conference: Disease
spreading faster in heterosexuals
Lesbian lieutenant fought
discharge from Air
National Guard
Newsweek poll: public opposes
sodomy ruling
Spiritual healing may combat AIDS
Issue # 146 August 4, 1986
Phoebe Constan interviews ACLU's
Nan Hunter
1985 CENSUS ranking cities
according to gay self-identified populations
Review of Desert Hearts
Colonel Sidney Spinster letter
Larry Larson letter
Sue Slangen letter
Sid Galton letter
Review of June Mail
California Governor vetoes nearly
half of AIDS budget
New Jersey gays oppose test
Cloud 9 Americans win top
softball standing
100 attend meeting on sodomy laws
New sodomy law challenge in
Rally protests acquittal of
basketball players
Seattle anti-gay measure dealt
with fatal blow
Chicago rejects law on gay rights
Britain drops charges against
gay's the word
Founding member of NAMBLA
Sailor court-martialed for not
taking antibody test
Burglary and arson at the 19 Bar
New Zealand decriminalizes gay
sex, lowers age of consent
Texas bank forces AIDS foundation
to transfer its funds
Norwegian bigot imprisoned by
Issue # 147 August 18th 1986
No signatures on County ads
Bob R. Antley letter
Emma Hixson & Morris Floyd
CFLAG letter
Stephen S. Caiazza M.D. letter
Frank S. Rhame, M.D. letter
Nicholas E. Bader letter
Mark Swaney letter
Blooms celebrating 8th year at
Gay 90's
AIDS Project unveils ads also
Leapin' ludicrous clos-bein's and their magical clothes
Christopher C. Born letter
Mike Osterholm fails again
California faces AIDS quarantine
NOW President calls for boycott
of states with sodomy laws
Sonya Sherman dies of AIDS
U.S. Senate interferes with D.C.
bill re. insurance companies
New AIDS virus claimed
Karen Thompson speaks in Boston
Dachau concentration camp
survivors reject gay memorial
Gay-Busting investigator fired
for lesbianism
Yellow Pages refuses TWN ad
Motherly advice
“Tour for Life” in Michigan
Issue # 148 September 2, 1986
Not enough AIDS prevention
Karen Thompson loses appeal
Lesbian panel excluded from Mpls
Public Schools
International Pedophile network
Stanley Bowden letter
Sylvia Carlson letter
Boo! Moen letter
Robert D'Avanzo letter
Jeremy S. Morrison letter
Richard Sacher, Bill Dailey,
Kenneth Kahn, Mark Rice letter
Dan Lawrence letter
MN PAC endorses Latimer, ten
Gays beat cops 24-21
California poll favors AIDS
Review of Immodest Acts
Normal Heart called Kramer's indictment
Organizing conference for March
on DC to be held in NYC
St. Louis “lewd conduct” law
ruled unconstitutional
Kiss my lawsuit
Men of all colors gathering in
New York
N.J. proposes clean needle
S.F. park named after gay
Onassis had male lover, says new
Deukmejian vetoes bill about AIDS
Bestiality advocate at Yale
Boston councilman takes to bushes
AIDS hospice opens in Houston's
Montrose area
Issue # 149 September 15, 1986
Research proposal at
"U" may help sero-positives
Miami Herald article: C.D.C.
sabotaging AIDS research
Take Back the Night: against
assault, for sexual freedom
M.D. letter
Anonymous letter
Sylvia Carlson letter
Stoney Bowden letter
Flesh and sacredness tumble in
Jarman films
Party for DFLer with AIDS
Testimony sought for
congressional hearing
C.D.C. slowing down AIDS
Privacy rights indeed!
Judge rules anti-gay insurance
discrimination illegal
Nevada Supreme Court hears sodomy
L.A. judge kills order closing
bathhouses as useless
Transplanted organs from wreck
victim contaminated with HIV
Honolulu editor resigns because
Parasite linked to occurrence of
AIDS in gays
Poll shows good news for gays,
bad news for PWAs
Missouri upholds sodomy law,
citing Hardwick
Issue # 150 October 6, 1986
HIV data on police blotter (Five
gay stranglings this year)
Living with latex...and loving
Down with Playboy! Long live
Sara Tokheim letter
Julie Allen letter
Mildred M. letter
Mark Wallem letter
AIDS leadership endorses research
Karen Thompson continues the
Falwell pays Sloan $8982
Review of The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals
Bijou Video Sales presents a new
Review of Re-Making Love: The Feminization of Sex
Researcher Tom Mauer dies
Gotham, Rita Moreno and Celeste
entertaining on 1987 RSVP cruise
Review of Red Balcony
Cycle for life benefit completes
Robert Halfhill letter
Affirmation sets focus
(No Briefs in this issue)
Issue # 151 October 20, 1986
County DFL friends all up for
MCGLR/PAC withholds Perpich
John Glines letter
Craig Ketchum letter
Howard McQuitter, Jr. letter
Carl Brown letter
Julie Allen letter
Anonymous letter
Gary and John Olson letter
Review of Trading Secrets: Seduction and Scandal at the Wall Street Journal
Native persists in pork scare
Insurance Company must pay
$16,000 to employee
Review of The Secrets Of Mabel Eastlake
Review of Abnormally Happy: A Gay Dictionary
Ex-wife drops demand to test gay
father's blood--AIDS issue
Vaccine virus for AIDS working
for animals
Minnesota based insurance company
Sharp increase in AIDS worldwide
New Jersey insurer sued
S.F. Sheriff seeks gay &
lesbian deputies
Gay bank manager wins round in
“religious discrimination” suit
Karen Thompson” least likely” to
be an activist
King speaks at HRCF dinner
Sons of police official arrested
for gay bashing, not prosecuted
Appeals Court requires oversight
of CIA
Insurance industry giant forced
to withdraw anti-gay guidelines
Hospital fires surgical
technician for testing positive
Surgeon general condemns porn
NGRA fighting tuberculosis case
Nurse gets AIDS virus from jab
Band leader from S.F. falls to
Larry Cherneski dies of AIDS
NAMBLA announces new Russell
Research and
Lending Library
Transsexual can't see child
Issue # 152 November 3, 1986
Seven gay murders in one year
Wesley Church gives full
recognition to gays
Don't sleep with strangers...or
Gary W. Goldsmith letter
Brian Coyle letter
CPCSM Board of Directors letter
Coretta Scott King proclaims
"solidarity with gays"
Spear-Campbell feud 1986:
controversy over advertising
Spear letter supporting
Soucheray, opposing faith in advertising
New Spear letter supports some
AIDS advertising
Campbell asks Spear to put
principles before personalities
Iowa City raised $500 for benefit
at pride supper
Bruce Brockway's name proposed
for clinic
Leadership conference postponed
Review of Journey into Sexuality: An Exploratory Voyage
Review of Another Country
Former Minneapolitan dies of AIDS
Bill Carpenter dies at 56
Nurse fights firing after
roommate dies of AIDS
Vancouver director calls for AIDS
Vancouver council approves
controversial display
Christians list friends and
British t.v. to run profiles of
ACLU endorses gay marriage,
Anita Bryant & Statue of
Houston chosen for early '87 AIDS
vaccine testing
Frontal nudity soon to disappear
in Playgirl magazine
Issue # 153 November 17, 1986
Violence against gays continues
Campbell and Coyle take on Bouza
Candidates supporting gay rights
win big on national level
Californians say "No"
to LaRouche 71–29%
`Measuring the Gay and Lesbian
Review of Life Magazine
Review of The Long Trail
New treatment center for gays
opened near Portland
AIDS linked to hepatitis vaccine
Town House celebrates 17 years
"in the pink"
Christmas and Hanukkah plays to
benefit seniors
Community United Against Violence
Winnie letter
Board of Directors of CPCSM
Gregory Rupprecht letter
Jimmy Tiggas letter
Some PBS stations will censor the
“invisible effects”
Suit alleges woman got AIDS from
Prostitutes meet in European
Parliment Building
White House advisor links
marijuana and gayness
Houston gets a daily gay paper
Suit filed against HealthAmerica
Florida state rep. arrested
Eyler gets death for murder of
male prostitute
Jerry Smith dies with AIDS
National Lawyers Guild adopts gay
rights resolutions
New ABA president prosecuted gays
in “Boys of Boise” trials
NAMBLA cleared
Gay and lesbian elected and
appointed officials to meet November 20-23
Democratic clubs to debate
multi-partisan proposal
State DFL Gay and Lesbian Caucus
National AIDS Network hires
Director of Minority Affairs
Suspect sought in Michigan murder
Issue # 154 December 1, 1986
Star-Tribune personals: a barrel
of laughs from virginal minds
Gay group sues Green Bay Press
and Gannett Publishing
Martin Kostrzab letter
Lowell Barger letter
Todd Stevens letter
Mrs. Alex Adamson letter
Leonard Graff letter
Sara Tokheim letter
Lola Perry letter
V.L. letter
Review of The Nature of Desire
New Catholic position encourages
gay bashing
Gay man wins religious freedom
Two arrested in gay murders
Lubraseptic's antibacterial
formula shown in laboratory tests to kill AIDS virus
Wingspan/MCC conference draws
over 100
Kentucky sodomy law found to
violate state's constitution
Dignity protects sanction of
Review of Lesbian Lovers
Forced "compliance"
topic of AIDS debate
Review of Faces of the Enemy: Reflections of the Hostile Imagination
Review of Donna Herlinda and Her Son
Craig Vandeen's case illustrated
Signs of AIDS higher among black
Contact lens cleaning liquids
kill AIDS virus
NGRA sues insurers in 11 states
Weicker calls for congressional
inquiry; sabotage of AIDS research charged
Basher pleads guilty to assault
on priest
Safe Sex shows position results
ACLU endorses gay marriage
Ku Klux Klan goes to computers to
find gays
New AIDS-type viruses discovered
NGRA survey: states, Feds differ
on AIDS discrimination
Issue # 155 December 15, 1986
Pacific Bell settles with gays
for $3 million
PWA Shuttleworth wins $190,000
More involvement needed in
discussions of `non-compliance'
Agency sought to plan AIDS
prevention ad campaign
Earl Bricker letter
Jean-Nickolas Tretter letter
Preacher cures `gay boy' after 27
Brad Theissen letter
Review of Horizon of the Heart
Perpich stealthily issues
executive order re: AIDS and gays
State Department bans hiring HIV
Porn stars raise $10,000 for AIDS
Houston Daily lasted three days
Gay rights win in Davis
No gay cops for Atlanta
Review of Home for the Holidays
Bite did not spread AIDS virus
NGLTF reduces debt to $37,200
Rudolph the Red Nosed Rainqueer
New anthology collects stories of
gay male winners
MAP volunteer wins award
Pink Youthquake at Oslo
Just the Facts Miss Thing
“Professionalism” is killing the gay press
Eau Claire police ask for help
New anthology collects thoughts
of Catholic and ex-Catholic lesbians
Third virus found; snags blood
West Germany denies compensation
to gay Holocaust survivors
Indiana U. issuing AIDS ID cards
Britain starts ad campaign
against AIDS
New Orleans council rejects gay
rights bill
Chicago bank branch refuses gay
Serial gay murderer apprehended
in Atlanta
Salvation Army boycott urged
Betty Batey faces child stealing
charges again
AIDS related dementia called
“worst threat yet”
Issue # 156 January 5, 1987
Minnesota: police power for AIDS?
Mandatory testing and
quarantine? Ludicrous!!!
Judith Daniels letter
Greg Storbakken letter
The Atons letter
Jerry Fladmark letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Sign Here letter
Review of Crimes of the Heart
Test tube studies suggest AIDS
Start the New Year with something
weird from Witkin
Actors Theatre announces one act
festival plays
Two dozen groups in San Francisco
finally urge condoms
U of M becomes AIDS unit with
federal funds
Alliance officer's letter blasts
Department of Health plans
Nevada Court refuses sodomy
NGRA files brief to stop forced
Insurers association passes
resolution about orientation
Student wins one step against
Lincoln Christian
Stock finagling threatens AIDS
Montreal elects gay council
Ontario passes gay rights bill on
December 2
Simon Nkoli still in jail
Gays censor gay news in Transvaal
Prison guard with AIDS fired
Issue # 157 January 19, 1987
VD rates down 70%
Jeff Buzzetti, high profile
realtor, dies at 31
New employees at GLC Voice
Suspect seen in murder
Gay leaders blast
“non-compliance” plans of MDH
White supremacist attacks PWAS
33,000 AIDS cases worldwide
Not “gay”... “Gay American”!!
New work tells of Gay Games II in
Tim Campbell letter
Sylvia Carlson letter
Review of The Morning After
Bette Midler hosts benefit in Los
Feminist work says problem is
broader than pornography
Two lesbians give each other AIDS
Review of Platoon
Affirmation, MFSA to cosponsor
Kansas City event
Same-sex marriages endorsed by
California Episcopal diocese
“Queer Watch” is latest right
wing use of PC
Seniors sweat out love's
beginnings too
Entrepreneurs target AIDS
Australia accepts aliens in
genuine gay relationships
And you think you've got it bad
Six year old master pervert in
S.F. study says AIDS care costs
lower than projected
New Canadian anti-discrimination
law prompts military questionnaire
Issue # 158 February 2, 1987
February is Gay and Lesbian Press
The gay and lesbian media: It
works/Don L. Volk
Resolved that MCGLR should be
reactivated as an umbrella group to help ad HOC Committees
Stowney Bowden letter
Wizard Marks letter
MAAA elects new officers, passes
four resolutions
Mark Turkel legal fund
Review of Safe Sex: The Ultimate
Erotic Guide
Sweeden mails out 200,000 flyers
to youths
Review of Outrageous Fortune
14 states forbid excluding AIDS
coverage says NGRA
“I'll just die if I don’t get
that money!” Oral Roberts
Review of Travels with Diana Hunter
Community meeting February 14
about repealing sodomy laws
AZT supplies may run short
S.F. gays tell Pope to stay home
Pomell's gay porn unearthed
Who's making money off AIDS?
Penicillin-resistant gonorrhea
Fast AIDS antibody test on the
Body Politic to fold
NGLTF says AIDS funding still inadequate
Insurance applicant sues
physician who threatened violence
ACLU and Oregon prison officials reach agreement
Issue # 159 February16, 1987
New “public sex” laws pushed by
Spear and friends as “sodomy repeal”
MPR refuses sponsorship
commemorating gays, boycott urged at NBA dinner
National Gay Rights Advocate
Robert Halfhill letter
Walt Apple letter
Tim Campbell letter
Richard Shields letter
Wizard Marks letter
Don Sanders letter
Review of Sotto...Sotto
Judy Fischer, Plymouth House
founder, dies of cancer
MCLU Challenges Minnesota sodomy
Pride advertising in MS
MAP sets $1 million goal for '87
Grant Communications chosen for
CUAV seeks billboard sponsors
Review of The Sacrifice
Review of Porn Row
Super Sunday II February 22
Genetically engineered Hepatitis
B vaccine now available
Feds begin anonymous blood
testing for AIDS
Networks gave AIDS only 60
minutes last year
AIDS grossly underreported among
Harry Britt moves to block
straight Olympics
Effort to meet Pope continues
Gay rights bill may get
Congressional hearing
Preacher distributes condoms
Torries ban “frightfully dreadful
homosexual propaganda”
Issue # 160 March 2, 1987
Is AIDS really syphilis???
KSTP ad wrong about condoms
Stuart Holland letter
"A Friend of the
Family" letter
St. George sues MPR dragons
Gay Games III invitation from
On carriers, condoms KSTP ad, and
Strib article
Amerika called `compelling and important'
Review of The Emerging Voice
Review of The AIDS Show
Review of Silent Pioneers
Syringe sale limits lifted in
California ruling conflicts with
U.S. Justice Department
MD magazine polls doctors on AIDS
Tampa Bay joins `Gay $$$' drive
While Chicago ordered to ‘cease
and desist’
Council of churches denounces ‘Christian
John Damien, Canadian rights case
focus, dies of cancer
Issue # 161 March 16, 1987
Gay groups opposing Spear's new
sex law
Supreme Court bans hysterical
Public sex is rude, but not in a
class with assault, rape and murder
Tom letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Reine Newhardt letter
G. Cleveland letter
Mark Swanson letter
Marlon Davidson and Don Knudson
Dignity National reaffirms
previous positions in spite of Papal bull
AIDS Action Council selects new
Sunday Express reports charges
that AIDS virus "man" made
Superiorite held in Eau Claire
Volk gets 25 years for Traetow
death; Hamilton gets only 6 years
Hooker panic in Boston
MTN awards April 25
'87 softball season news
Love or death choices
Review of Long Time Passing
Review of Beyond Therapy
Morris Floyd criticizes
Methodists' AIDS program
50 gays and lesbians killed in
Italian sports commission panicky
re: AIDS
PWA convicted of murdering girl
he falsely accused of giving him AIDS
Miami archbishop opposes condom
Huey Lewis $225,000 for AIDS
Seattle's chain murder `task
force' cut back in size
AIDS research not progressing
Mass AIDS temporarily abandoned
David Horowitz, creator of
fork-tounged Dazzle, dies
Issue # 162 April 6, 1987
Quarantine and contact tracing
laws sought by MDH...but Senate hearing
promises changes
in law
Don Gillis dies of AIDS
First draft of AIDS control bill
as presented by gay leaders after April 3 meeting
Authors promise to incorporate
revisions before April 9
Michael Williams, aka “Cleo” dies
at 31
Jim DeVillier death reported in
Jose Aguilar death reported
Timmy Rogain dies at 27
Rebecca Sonnick letter
Family of Michael Williams (Cleo)
French offer promise of AIDS
treatment and vaccine
1000 couples to be blessed at
October march in Washington D.C.
Democrats poll presidential
candidates on current gay issues
Review of Marlene
Ellen Ratner joins ARC management
Colorado legislature reverses
restrictive measure
Review of A Virus Respects No
Mandatory testing in India
Texas company refuses insurance
Vice squad entrapment starting
again in Minneapolis bookstores /
“Fight back!”
says Bowden
Pending AIDS legislation in
Personal ad used to harass in
NYC Council considers AIDS
measures related to testing
Kiss may cost judge $2,675,000
Quarantine pushed by Calif.
health officers
Supreme Court hears “Gay
Olympics” case
AIDS protest on Wall Street
Medical confidentiality being
threatened in California
Melvin Boozer dies of AIDS
American GI arrested in Bonn for
spreading AIDS
AIDS slowing down among gays,
says the Lancet
Mandatory tests in Bavaria
French gay newspaper restricted
Saint Aelred gay
Issue # 163 April 20, 1987
Health Department proposal treats
AIDS positives worse than lepers
MDH proposal will cost lives,
dollars, freedom
Public sex law/sodomy repealer
stopped in committee
Per Jacobson letter
Quality care for Quality Coaches
at South
Minneapolis garage
Review of Waiting for the Moon
Prudential abuses blood test
Stamp Out AIDS gives $18,000 in
How to spend a relaxing weekend
in New York on a budget
Eric L. Shambach letter
Women's guesthouse service
Asians getting organized
Review of A Dark Science
ACLU publishes paper on AIDS
Methodist convention boycotted
Gay 90's incident produces
peculiar police report
Women of Nations begins legal
advocacy program
Gay Father wins visitation rights
Pioneer Lutheran minister dies of
Study about gay priests
Prisoner with AIDS indicted for
New York Appeals Court rules pro
Coors excludes same sex couples
M.D. with AIDS battles suspension
Scientists ready to test AIDS
Alternative Families efforts
Alternative Families legislation
in Madison, WI
Issue # 164 May 4, 1987
Forced testing, contact tracing,
end to medical confidentiality, record keeping
coming to
Paul E. Lohman letter
Lies push AIDS hysteria bill to
floor of legislature
Frank S. Rhame, M.D. letter
Tiggas buys 900 Hennepin for
“Paradise Lounge”
Bruhs Mero and Gean Harwood make
a pitch for SAGE
Celebrities gather in marathon
recording of AIDS public service announcements
Colorado gays urged to boycott
HIV testing
Contract tracing to be started in
Review of Working Girls
Small pamphlet says lot about
Review of Beauty School Saved My Life
Denver group buys public radio
Hunter and the Headliners pack
'em in at Gay `90s
Softball season opens
Help needed in murder
Orth replaces Stark at MCLU
Cunningham named deputy to Hixson
at Mpls CRD
AA roundup in Milwaukee July
31-Aug 2
Review of Summer for Joey
NGLTF makes payment for AZT
Ohio civil rights laws offer
protection to PWAs
Success claimed with Reticulose
in Mexico
Court upholds privacy law in bite
Maryland Sodomy repeal effort
Dignity issues challenge to
bishops in national ad
Delta still under fire
Indiana quarantine bill passes
both houses
Koop plans shake-up of Federal
health officers
Issue # 165 May 16, 1987
Jerker may cost Pacifica its license
Countdown for March on Washington
Berkley scientist says HTLV-III
is not the cause of AIDS
Disability benefits and the AIDS
patient: some basic facts
Ribavirin used with Thymopentin
in Los Angeles
Hugging friend is illegal in
Taylor receives Legion d'Honneur
Sheldon Post letter
Tom Agar letter
The Silly Sissies letter
Vic Basile letter
AIDS-free zone: a false promise
Don't touch that crotch or pat
that fanny
Nuclear AIDS
Rizzoli Bookstore offers upscale
cruising for books and book readers at Riverplace
$12,500 donated for Christopher
Street West to
March on Washington
Buddy Program honored by United
Caution urged in home equity
HRCF increases lobbying staff
Analysis of Death of an American Girl
British spy chief had secret gay
Aetna charged with using HIV test
Catholic vandal convicted in
Veterans' Day case
AIDS bill of rights to go to NYC
Possible AIDS definition revision
$1,500 awarded to man arrested
for kiss
Delaware right winger goes
bonkers over AIDS
Germans protest mandatory AIDS
Civil liberties take back seat in
New Jersey
Johns Hopkins dean critical of
U.S. commitment to fight AIDS
Issue # 166 June 1, 1987
Thousands commemorate AIDS
casualties in
U.S.A. Consort unveils straight
part of ads
Minnesota advertising strategy:
an embarrassment
AIDS demonstration at White House
Leaders for March on D.C. chosen
Review of A Lesser Life
Alternative families valued at
NGRA publishes survey of Fortune
1000 employers and AIDS
John Zuelow letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Larry Larson's top ten...no top
twenty movies of our time
NYC Council bars Coors
D.C. priest succumbs to AIDS
Aetna cannot require HIV test
Kid poll favors gay teachers
Chicago publisher bashed
Military includes sodomy on
misconduct list
San Franciscans oppose papal
San Francisco judges elect
lesbian mother chief
Organ transplants result in AIDS
PWA marriage outlawed in Utah
Joan Rivers canceled
Wisconsin regents oppose ROTC
Former Wisconsin Quarterback tackles
gay rights
Peace Corps testing applicants
L.A. developer sued by designer
Issue # 167 June 15, 1987
"Why do you call it `Gay
Peace, love, equality and pride
Review of Prick Up Your Ears
University's AZT/immune globulin
project turned down
Aliveness Project starts group
for AIDS caregivers
U.S. involvement in germ warfare
surveyed in Scientific America
National Task Force actively
campaigning against
Dukakis in presidential race
Summer line-up for video mailbox
Brian Coyle letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Local group formed to push March
on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights
October 11, 1987
Paul Popham of NYC's Gay Men's
Health Crisis dies of AIDS
Review of Lilly Tomlin
Review of The Lion Warriors
Four high profile women honored
by Women's Resource Center
804 bowl in national, New Orleans
Kiss-In at New York Beach
AIDS progresses faster in older
14 year old confined without
Blueprint for AIDS strategies
hoped from conference of leaders
Executive order in Massachusetts
Dallas council bumps gay
Only 19% HIV positives likely to
catch AIDS
Barney Frank comes out to Boston
Batch of AIDS bills in Illinois
AIDS protests in Houston
Issue # 168 July 6, 1987
Thousands march for gay pride
You are going to die
No VD at 315 Health Club testing
in over a year
HRCF sixteenth largest
independent PAC
Robert Patrick feeling out
theater space in Twin Cities
Robert Halfhill letter
Hidden books breed library in St.
Paul linen closet
Review of Reign of the Phallus:
Sexual politics in Ancient Athens
God, state, society are dead
Pat Dillree dies
AIDS could wipe out some Native
American tribes
Quarantine of 14 year old stopped
Barney Frank seeks to amend
Immigration Act
Russian block scientists claim
AIDS virus engineered
New study finds Ampligen
extremely promising treatment for people with AIDS or ARC
Doctors want option to turn away
AIDS patients
Gays under attack in Mexicali
NGRA sues Feds to release AIDS
Issue # 169 July 20, 1987
Dayton-Hudson CEO Carl Erickson
dies of AIDS
MAP housing program now well
Drs. Rhame, Simpson and
Strickland field gay questions on AIDS
NGTF opposes Bork's appointment
Lonnie McNamara letter
Matthew Stark letter
Dick Hewetson letter
"Made in America" and
"dedicated to quality"
Researcher pushes sex education
for gay teens
AIDS support group for children
at Aliveness
Review of I Will Survive
GED classes, study hall, at
Jobs for teens at center
Researchers still pushing AZT
Review of The Forbidden Zone
19 Bar celebrates 30 years
New series follows international
gay and lesbian organizations
Lesbian physicians to meet in
First company starts advertising
condoms in gay press
Nominee in New York retracted
after gay protest
Openings at 19 clinics for AIDS
NGRA sues American Service Life
Cuomo supports HIV test ban for
ACLU sues U, of Arkansas
Pacific Bell ordered to give
funeral benefits
Nicaragua spending $1 million to
prevent AIDS
Dr. Ruth promotes condoms as safe
sex foreplay
Issue # 170 August 3, 1987
Erickson death certificate
amended to show AIDS
Society's right to know
Fresh Fruit Radio applauds GLC
When an AIDS death seems like a
Campbell responds to Star-Tribune
Moderate reader chides Star-Tribune
for double standard
Farm activist, DFL activist Dick
Hanson dies of AIDS at 37
Jim Chalgren letter
Cleve Jones letter
Clark Bufkin letter
Latin American lesbians to
conference in Mexico
Killer cells fight AIDS virus
Review of Intercourse
Is AIDS a form of Chronic Viral
Fatigue Syndrome?
Federal Reserve Bank includes
gays in non-discrimination policy
Louisiana award estate to gay
Times adopts use of word
Psychiatrist to meet in Montreal
in 1988
Federal bill would allot $400
million for voluntary HIV testing
Feds won't prosecute Jerker case
Contact tracing abuse in
Tom Waddell, Gay Games founder,
dies of AIDS
Issue # 171 August 17, 1987
200 lesbian and gay doctors meet
Gay medical politics get fair
Review of The Gospel According to Woman: Christianity's Creation of the Sex War
in the West
Sit-in marks the 20th anniversary
of rights bill
Robert C. Kenneth letter
Jimmy Tiggas letter
No to secrets - Cathy Hay
Frank Rhame letter
Peter J. Dorsen, M.D. letter
John J. Potterat letter
Review of Law of Desire
Review of The Sissy Boy Syndrome
Lesbian Physicians meet at
Springhill Center
Cloud 9 plans to stay
New amnesty law trapping many
through health requirements
Interferon nixed for AIDS
AIDS rumors haunt Reynolds
$400 million for AIDS testing
Another World to have AIDS plot
Simon Nkoli out on bail
AIDS epidemic in Mexican slum
Houston's AIDS hospital to close
Lubraseptic recalled
Gay hunger strikers in Turkey
Issue # 172 September 8, 1987
Gay strip marked at both ends now
Private sector offering anonymous
HIV testing
Larry Havluck letter
Truby Brown letter
Hanan J. Rosenstein M.D. letter
John Weiser, M.D. letter
Rick Wallbridge letter
The Advocate celebrates twenty
years in print with nationwide sweepstakes
Bed and breakfasts in San
Politicos eye "progressive
measures" against commercial sites where AIDS could be spread
Mass wedding threatened by
shortage of dollars
High fidelity
Turkish gays rebel
No merger of Voice
Review of Magdalena
Review of The Bacchaie
Madonna fights AIDS with comic
Minnesota `parental notification
law' unconstitutional
Plasma therapy tried on AIDS
Doctor who refused to identify
HIV positive is charged
Defense Department ordered to
stop delaying gay security clearances
48% of kids say gay teachers are
Baylor study uses antibodies to
fight AIDS
$1 million suit filed by doctor
with AIDS
Manitoba passes gay rights bill
AIDS spreading to rural gays
while straights thought safer
Issue # 173 September 21, 1987
Lambda Defense summarizes Bork's
$20,308 raised at Rumors, but
only $ 13,250 disbursed to charities
Bork's memorandum against gay
rights to Yale Law School faculty republished entirely
Saul F. Bernstein letter
Camilla Decarnin letter
Gay adolescent service opens home
in Los Angeles
People don't choose to catch AIDS
Theory about genes and AIDS
Review of Sex Work: Writings of Women in the Sex Industry
San Francisco post office returns
safe sex flyers sent to Central and South America
Lesbian wins Army reinstatement
President and son disagree on
New test detects HIV virus
AIDS testing linked with suicides
Dignity challenges Vatican
Violence statistics bill
introduced in the U.S. House
Porn star Casey Donovan dies
Civil rights activist Rustin dies
New AIDS definition likely to
produce rise in cases
Albany AIDS lists stir
Liberace's ex ready to tell his
side of the story
New monograph describes impact of
AIDS on gays
Youth using TV at MTN
New AIDS definition likely to
produce rise in cases
Issue # 174 October 5, 1987
Big names celebrate March on D.C.
Minnesota Supreme Court bows to
public prejudice in sodomy law ruling
Gay elected officials to meet
here Nov 20-22
NGLTF lambasts President's
Commission on AIDS
Sasha Alyson letter
Tom Rajtar letter
Expanded "After Work
Lounge" at gay 90's, face lift at Cloud 9
Review of The NALGAP Annotated
Bibliography: Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Lesbians/Gay Men
Soviet Union adopts AIDS testing
Review of The Search for Omm Sety
Physicians For Human Rights
releases AIDS related statement
Group for surviving lovers of
PWA's begins Oct 29
Review of The Closet Hanging
Over 200 booked for March
Looking for Mr. Goodbar: Making other plans
Review of In the Name of Decency: Public Policy in an Era of AIDS
Condoms are safe if used
properly, Foundation says
Gays blast Iowa health director
for homophobic comments
Reagan Administration opposes
AIDS discrimination ban
Gay couple wins place in reunion
California Episcopalians endorse
gay marriage
NGRA forces Northwest Airlines
policy change
Salk vaccine targets
Weiss wins Emmy for Before
Vatican official calls AIDS
"natural sanction" against gays
PWA dinner on Capitol Hill seeks
PWAs and friends
OUT! of business
Issue # 175 October 19, 1987
800,000 march on D.C.
Little hope for gays in the
Minnesota sodomy ruling
Congressman Gerry Studds attacks
Reagan administration AIDS response
Controlling AIDS is like
controlling the population. Individuals
must do it for themselves
600 arrested seeking access to
Supreme Court
George Moore letter
Richard Shields letter
Columbia continues in struggle
Review of Memory Board
Review of Maurice
Review of Fatal Attraction
MAP gets $338,000 for “AIDS
Gays clash with pence at Octobear
10 forum
Zuelow and Thoelke: gay
professionals, gay clientele
Jerry Studds blast federal AIDS
mailing holdup
Feds kick off AIDS education
St. Louis undercover cops entrap
Primary elections bring mixed
Lesbian unionist reinstated in
Castro suffering from loose
British Columbia quarantine bill
sparks opposition
Republicans plan AIDS scare
campaign for '88
S.F. gay divorcee wins palimony
Issue # 176 November 2, 1987
Pride President looses licenses
Vote yes on the referendum
GLF/PAC endorsements for Nov. 3
Inside the D.C. jail
The Helms Amendment verbatim
Boshwitz defends his vote on
Helms amendment
Hyde calls for student activism
in the face of AIDS backlash
Allan Spear letter
Stephen Westfall letter
Greg L. Baskin letter
James E. Pederson
P.C. Davis letter
Food for passion
A lesson in human sexuality
Review of Dusty's Queen of Hearts Diner
Jack Campbell elected president
of National Democrats
Robert Wilson dies at 37
Star Tribune coverage of Crane
Winton robbery bashes the victim
Anti-gay Arizona governor calls
for help
Court says phone companies may
ban phone-sex lines
Milwaukee DJs suspended for
anti-gay remarks
Federal AIDS ads to broadcast
Harvey Milk honored with national
Koop urges doctors to advise safe
Illinois governor signs
quarantine law
Mass. Senate committee OKs gay
rights bill
Philadelphia police chief
prohibits AIDS lists
Congress bans gay safe sex info
No federal funds for
extra-marital sex
Fruiters bananas over condoms
Review of And the Band Played On
Issue # 177 November 16, 1987
400 protest Berean League
Credits cut for Berean League
76 women arrested in Peru
The MCLU critique of Minnesota
Health Law
Lawsuit charges collusion between
feds, AZT maker
Christmas poet letter
Gerry Faery letter
Ronald Stearns letter
Town House "Grand
Reopening" November 21
Gay dancers now contracted for
Gay 90's
Statistics bill passes out of
House Committee
A chat with Chanticleer leader
Oregon executive order protects
gay state workers
ACT UP U.N. protests targets
Teen may have died of AIDS in
Dog Day Afternoon transsexual
dies of AIDS
Brazil mayor enforces butch look
at ballet school
New potential drug for AIDS
Clue found to why AIDS virus
becomes active
Michigan homophobe resigns under
Vatican faces dilemma over
transsexual priest
New AIDS condom being developed
note. Go to CONTENTS.88 Lost issues my be there.)
Issue #178 December 7, 1987
Gay member of British Parliment
Chris Smith speaks here
Local doctor freaks out
PWAs sought for study by
Freedom PAC sets goals
BWMT/Twin Cities
Elizabeth Andres letter
Ann DeGroot letter
Tim Braan letter
Darrell Ledger letter
Review of And the Band Played On
Review of Side By Side
Three PWA's and how they live
MP Chris Smith (A thumbnail
Tim Piepkorn enters twelfth year
as gay lawyer
GMHC study concludes explicit
films work best
Quilt set for national tour
HIV positives become HIV
Hodgkin's disease may be AIDS
Scondras attacked from left
Earle finishes AIDS Run in New
Canadian government nixes free
Houston cops harass gays at
election time
Randy Shilts' book to become TV
Gay man wins custody of deceased
lover's son
March on Washington organizers
report surplus funds
American GI jailed in Germany for
spreading AIDS
Hudson's partner continues AIDS
Congress sees foreign AIDS ads
Issue #179 December 21, 1987
$1.46 million budget at NGLTF
Anonymous letter
Jim Tragester letter
Thomas R. Keske
Morris L. Floyd letter
Tips on staying sober through the
Review of The Mozart Brothers
Tips on staying sober through the
Review of Minnesota Freedom
Band's sixth holiday concert
Bands raise $17,400 in Washington
Brass Pony serves basics with
Presidential candidates briefed
A very gay holiday
How I lost my sister
Princess Di joins AIDS efforts
California teacher with AIDS wins
976-GEEK spoofs phone sex services
Sabo sends out 500,000 AIDS
Art Agnos elected mayor of San
Researchers find possible AIDS
virus trigger
Kodak ready to market in-office
tests for AIDS and STD
Congress may investigate ATEUs
Pro-gay N.C. mayor wins
Gay man takes seat in Washington
Court rules against
"dial-a-porn" services
Board positions at Press Assn
Washington Post changes obituary
Gays most frequent target of
Editor of gay paper appointed to
Wisconsin AIDS council
Issue #180 January 4, 1988
Hypnotist John Ivan Palmer at Gay
90's tonight, tomorrow
Wisconsin Light brings out second
Our Story: 5,000 years of gay and lesbian history.
Part 1 of a 24 part series By John Lauritsen
Hate crimes hearings
Gay ads in Washington Post
National Visibility Campaign to
survey gay/lesbian vote
Gay history series to run through
King Day January 15
New staff at Nellie Deli
Brazilian film confuses all
Bijou Video in Chicago raided by
feds and cops
Researchers question "low
risk" activities
Study links anal cancer to anal
AMA issues ethics statement on
AIDS bias bill introduced in NYC
Adult video makers file suit
against Meese
Dignity protesters arrested at
St. Patrick’s
Carrisyn reported effective as
AIDS treatment
Court upholds rights of gay
students at Georgetown
Presidential group slams gay and
lesbian adoption
Issue #181 January 18, 1988
49,742 and counting
Gay History Part 2.
Introduction to the Ancient Period
Freedom PAC plans for 1988
Review of Mermaids Singing
Men-On-Men titillated reviewer
Will 15 million Americans die of
Florida man fired for HIV
positive status
California Episcopalians develop
new marriage rites
Gay studies centers started at
Yale and CUNY
NY hospitals to increase beds
AL-721 set for distribution in
Solid AIDS data to be sought in
20 cities
WHO's definition of gay as sick
attacked at conference
Castro clinic closed down
U.S. Olympics drops suit against
Gay Olympics/Games
Helms Amendment modified; 1988
AIDS budget set
One man blocks Massachusetts gay
rights bill
Spear and Greenfield defending
non-compliant legislation Jan 20
Issue #182 February 1, 1988
Minneapolis discusses new laws
supposedly for AIDS
Gay History Part 3: Akhenaton: A Pharaoh and the First Recorded Gay
Star-Tribune AIDS poll asks
curious questions
Bishops' AIDS report reveals
Karen Clark letter
Bruce Sikkema letter
Anonymous letter
Philip Willkie letter
Elizabeth Andres letter
Larry Larson letter
Alan Lorence letter
M. W. A. Bill Kay letter
200 lawyers attend AIDS
Campbell wins appeal against MPD
Officer Dean Severson
Greenfield, Spear and Clark
resist protest non-compliant legislation
Social Security Administration
denying most ARC cases
Price of AZT and Pentamidine
Review of Too Outrageous
AIDS Prayer Service raises $1523
Dan Bradley dies of AIDS
Review of Patti Rocks
A toast to "Sin City"
Smalley session Feb 12 at
Universalist Church
National Conference on Homophobia
May 1988 in D.C.
Women's films at WAC Feb 10 and
Patti Rocks premiere Feb 4, at
YooHoo! YooHoo!
Fairies gathering July 21-26
Gay ACA meeting Thursdays
Three Freedom PAC caucus training
Caucus training for Lavender
Stripe Feb 3
Lavender Images films Feb 4 and
Republican Alderman comes out in
Court rules against
cross-dressing prom pair
Boycott of sodomy law states
Minnesota ERA Coalition formed
Protests April 29-May 7
Issue #183 February 15, 1988
Army's ban on gays unconstitutional
Gay Councilman Brian Coyle says "Bathhouse must go!"
History Part 4. should be in this issue but typist may have omitted it)
NGLTF summarizes positions
Cleve Jones letter
Mike Smith letter
Star-Tribune letter
Leaping lesbians swing thru
David Finke letter
Allan H. Spear letter
Bill Brattland letter
Diamond letter
Donald M. Baumgartner letter
Coyle should retract false
Humphrey- Harkin amendment passes
Three fundraisers contribute
$5,925 to AIDS groups
Matsen, Turner die of AIDS two
weeks apart
Sheldon Anderson dies
Tim Campbell sues Barbara Carlson
for breach of promise
VA sets up new HIV outpatient
Bathhouse controversy
AIDS Ministry conference in
Houston attracts 100
Dignity protesters arrested in
Mariel Cubans mostly gay says
Review of The Shrapnel Academy
Assistant U.S. Attorney tells
restaurants to screen HIV
McDonald's owner gives $1 million
Injunction issued against
harassers in Massachusetts
Massachusetts cops charged with
brutality in arresting gay protesters
New clinic in San Francisco for
HIV positives
12,000 demonstrate in London
against "Clause 28"
Gay men sue Trans World Vacations
19 arrested at AZT demonstration
Study says testing less important
than education in safe sex drive
San Francisco study finds fewer
testing positive
Bar raids leading to violence in
Los Angeles
Dentist notification re: AIDS
stopped in CA
Metropolitan Life gives $1
million for AIDS education on T.V.
Issue #184 March 7, 1988
Jesse Jackson seeks gay vote
Gay History Part 5. Sappho
or "The Tenth Muse"
Sister's Task Force thinking
about AIDS prevention finally
Walt Apple letter
Elizabeth Andres letter
Keith Froelich letter
Jackson Staff letter
Steve Fryer letter
Brian J. Neil MD, Claire Pomeroy
MD letter
Ann Marie DeGroot letter
Mark Kurosky signs on with the
GLC Voice
Robertson and Kemp supporters
snowball gays
Lenny Gitteck bombs at NBA dinner
Early Gay Pride in Iowa April 30
Gay bar owner seeks seat on Fargo
Minnesota misses National Condom
Bathhouse ordinance inevitable
product of City
Council anti-gay politics
Clean up Nature now
Weather Girls fun raises $300.00
at Cloud 9
Review of Jubilation
New group forms in Guadalajara
Secret AIDS tracking policy
Seventh-day Adventists sue own
support group
Money available for AZT
L.A. building big parade for June
National social workers launch
AIDS campaign
Company limits AIDS insurance to
MasterCard snubs AIDS charities
Archbishop Roach opposes condoms
Gays left out of federal hate
crimes legislation
Philadelphia court restricts gay
man's visitation rights
1988 bodybuilding competition
June 25 in San Francisco
Missouri begins contact tracing
Cartoonists collaborate for AIDS
benefit book
AIDS fundraiser at New French
Issue #185 March 21, 1988
Gay History Part 6. Socrates
and the young seducer, Alcibiades
Pro-gay money fund offers Visa
New foundation for transsexuals
Review of The Dead
Review of Going Out of Our Minds: The Metaphysics of Liberation
Night of a Thousand Gowns
Marek Wyloga letter
David Reid letter
Richard Simon letter
Kenneth Tousignant letter
Ann C. McFarren resigns from AIDS
Ceramic portraits at the Paper
International Youth Conference
July 30, West Berlin
New gay and lesbian journal
starts from San Francisco
Boston University gay alumni
Review of Hairspray
Syracuse gays bashed into the
NYC AIDS educator resigns over
AIDS/syphilis "malpractice"
Chileans need international
Material sought for history of
Stonewall Riots
NYC dentists can no longer
Germans agree to AIDS
"isolation camps"
MAP needs volunteer drivers
Eroticizing condoms poster stirs
Disneyland sued again over gay
S.F.'s Trocadero Transfer closes
L.A. drops bathhouse battle
Seattle's new bath policy
First-of-its-kind AIDS activist
Involuntary AIDS testing in Twin
Black participants needed for
PA names gay state AIDS chief
Issue #186 April 4, 1988
Eau Claire gets new gay bar
called Downtown Express
Health officials change story on
STD statistics
Movement bookstore celebrates
five years
Key speakers announced for
leadership conference
Judge orders new testing for
Sharon Kowalski
PA printer refuses gay job
because of content
Roundup garage sale drop off
"National Coming Out
Day" planned for October
Missing: Douglas John Bruhn
Running away from home
PWA photos sought for `Wall of
Mountain States Conference May 13
City Council knocks doors off
movie booths
President Reagan vetoes Civil
Rights Restoration Act
New policy to bar bias against
federal employees with AIDS
National coming out day: October 11, 1988
NGRA testifies before
presidential AIDS commission
Maryland sodomy repealer stopped
Occidental Alumni seeks others
Illinois law curbs marriages
Elizabeth Taylor, French group to
receive tribute in Greece
Denmark to get gay partners law
Issue #187 April 18, 1988
Judge Alberto Miera asks for new
trial with fast
Story of rural gay lovers wins
Pulitzer: BrokeBack Mountain
Scandinavian decadence: just say
MacKinnon's book more eloquent
than lucid
Lambda Foundation letter
Bob Carlson letter
Eric L. Shambach letter
Dr. Vernon Mark letter
Atheist chided for complacency
Lawyer: AIDS fear influenced
Review of Quiet Fire
Latina lesbian Prof. banned by
Georgetown U settles with gays
Siberians send rubles for Leonard
Crack and AIDS said to have a
correlative association
Liberal Republican challenged by
bigot democrat in Connecticut
Sting opposes Clause 28 at awards
PWA takes crusade along campaign
Patent issued for `female condom'
Farris gives $1.1 million to
Issue #188 April 18, 1988
Canadian House member Svend
Robinson comes out
HIV testing debunked as best way
to stop AIDS
A closer look at the syphilis
976-SEX cartoon in the Star
Tribune lacked sophistication
Men's Chorus would inspire Ozzy
Osborne. Bravo!
Lesbians and gays settling in
Suit seeks visitation rights
Works sought for AIDS art show in
Atheist Keynoter acknowledges
non-Christian status
N.W. sport festival in the
Olympics July 4
HRCF ranked as 24th PAC in U.S.
Videotaped greeting system
Republicans hack at gays in hate
crimes bill
AL-721 freed for marketing in the
Locals produce AIDS song
PWHIV letter
Byron H. Armstrong letter
Review of In Search of Eve
Regarding "spiritual
programs" in A.A. and going to bars
Consensus on HIV testing reached
by 74 AIDS groups
Aliveness Project buying building
for center
D.C. protester given harsh
Nail Salon wins against PWA
Coors not selling well to gays
San Diego goes after cubicles
Repeal of code of silence urged
by gay leader
Bathhouse owners supporting
AZT dangerous for HIV positives
Gays ask for inclusion in King
march Aug 27
French vaccine takes; US does not
MCI charged with employment bias
Florida governor calls for
quarantine for PWAs
Issue #189 May 16, 1988
600 demonstrate for gay rights in
Women journalists unite to win
AIDS story Pulitzer
Review of The Quilt
Review of In the Country of the Last Things
Mandate goes "new sex"
Travel arrangements for AIDS
conference, Stockholm, June
The art of taking a sexual
history explained by AAPHR
Anti-gay persecution in Rumania
Red Door expanding STD education
Kevin Sitter, Beverly Barrett
John D. Ekstrom letter
Robert Halfhill letter
ABC piece on PFLAG disturbed
prominent parent
Are gays collaborating in our own
California PWA's protected on job
AIDS conference for entertainment
industry May 21
Monthly protests at St. Patrick's
in Manhattan
San Francisco goes after Olympics
AIDS bill passes with Helms
AIDS medication suit dismissed
HIV test permitted for insurance
in New York
Arizona Republicans refuse gay
Top designers help raise at Night
of 1,000 Gowns
Issue #190 June 6, 1988
Larry Kramer blasts federal AIDS
horror show
Block Party June 18 launches gay
pride flurry
HRCF director says thousands
needlessly infected
NGRA expands legal staff
HBLV called probable co-factor in
Abby Rubenfeld wins hearts of
local business lesbians
Harvey Fierstein supports ACT UP
Elaine Noble says Dukakis is a
winner deserving support
In memoriam...You are not gone
Dallas intersection rivaling
other famous crossroads
PPL to buy building at Chicago
"Scarlet sign"
10,000 march
Bert Henningson dies
Republican platform committee
hears gays
Cardinal heaps guilt on PWAs
Superintendent comes out as PWA
Free book on AIDS now available
Contract tracing reaches Mary's
House passes hate crimes bill
despite “dirty 30”
Iowa passes new AIDS law
S. Carolina woman quarantined
without hearings
Baltimore council passes gay
rights bill
Issue #191 June 20, 1988
Scientists isolate new AIDS
causing agent
Prime Minister of Thailand called
gay dissolves
Parliment in response
Survey suggests gays and lesbians
recover equally but differently
Jean M. Nelson letter
John D. Eckstrom letter
Erick L. Engstrom letter
10 Quilting sites around town
June 25
Jerry Studds' floor statement in
Congress on Hate Crimes Bill
Lenora Fulani says "people
instead of profits is the cure for AIDS"
Contributions sought from lesbian
daughters of Holocaust survivors
New gay bookstore on Castro
Lez-be-erotica comes to
Survey results suggest equality
and differences among gays and lesbians
Judge asks if it's a crime to
beat up homosexuals
Review of Dreams of Love and Fateful Encounters
Gay happenings worldwide
Survey shows lesbians need AIDS
No band until 31st and Portland
for Pride Parade
Karen Clark addresses United
Nations Forum in NYC
Illinois retains pre-marital
Couples founder dies of heart
Teacher with AIDS reinstated and
collects damages
AZT may reduce sexual
Californians reject La Rouche's
Proposition 69 again
Kentucky realtor receives award
for AIDS work
London Lesbians Zap BBC
Study at HCMC on AIDS and sexual
Baltimore passes gay rights bill
Apple Computer adopts
non-discrimination policy
HIV virus now said to lie hidden
up to four years
AIDS fear costs visitation rights
Long Island researcher treating
AIDS patients
Pharmacist sues over AIDS
Australian police launch anti-gay
Issue #192 July 5, 1988
1 million celebrate gay pride '88
in USA
AIDS Memorial Quilt comes to
Minnesota July 15-17
Leonard Matlovich, Sergeant who
challenged army dies of AIDS
1,000 whistles given away at
Pride festival
Gay 90's hosts thousands for
Pride Festival Block Party
Bea Roman appointed head of
Health Foundation
Sodomy statute a hindrance
Russ Nelson letter
Drew Siegal letter
Julie Eide letter
John Hubert letter
8,000 march for gay pride in
Three Jackson delegates elected
at DFL convention
Karen Clark makes fourth
Committee victories on bills about immigration,
AIDS counseling and AIDS research
Activists targeting Republican
concave in New Orleans
Review of White Mischief
Ohio AIDS activist campaigns for
Mikulski and Chafee sign on for
gay rights
What's with these Vegas queens???
MCLU seeks director
Gay Democrats present signatures
Dayton paper refuses classified
ad for gay rights group
S/M group continues organizing
Lambda sues New York telephone
Fulani supports gay rights law in
Lover, not mother, gets ashes
Funds for AZT running out
Massachusetts’s police infiltrate
gay meetings
Boycott of Actifed, Empirin
sought by AZT activists
Issue #193 July 18, 1988
Names of AIDS victims broadcast
at Metrodome
Tom Freiberg, mainstay of local
gay theater, succumbs to AIDS
Myth merged with magic in
Minneapolis Gay Pride March
Review of Safe Sex
Chicago Dignity split over Mass
Waxman urges support of AIDS
Action Council
Red Door stands by condoms
Condom brands vary in effectiveness
against HIV
Gay History. Part 14. Leonardo de Vinci and Michelangelo: Latent to
Polly Mann, U.S. Senate
candidate, interviewed for GLC Voice
Review of The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering The Religion of the Earth
Review of Liberace
Michigan sodomy law challenged
U.S. District Judge Threatens
"Ms" with jail
Doctors, nurses sue to keep
Dannemeyer initiative off ballot
Tubercular teacher wins battle
over job
30,000 tested for HIV in one
month in Havana
Ex-nun fined $1.5 million for
alienating affection
Exit polls tally gay vote
William Cox, Editor of Honolulu
Star-Bulletin, succumbs to AIDS
Issue #194 August 1, 1988
AIDS is not yet an election
issue. Damn it!
When radicals marry faeries,
watch out!
Authoritative nonsense often
preached about AIDS
Significant gays not backing
Walt Apple letter
Gay History Part 15.
Christina of Sweeden: The only woman buried in Vatican City.
Freedom PAC offices re-slated
Gay Democrats endorse Dukakis
Fulani campaign pushes gay issues
in Atlanta
Oppression widespread in Malaysia
Review of Wings of Desire
Gay democrats change name
Dentist wins $15,000 in suit with
landlord over PWAs
Soviets discuss dropping anti-gay
U.S. Senate gets involved in
Georgetown 11 dispute
Wisconsin lesbians sue state for
health insurance
Chicago gay father wins
visitation rights
NGRA survey results announced
Lover allowed to keep lease after
PWA dies
Issue #195 August 15, 1988
Gay and lesbian action Democratic
Convention fizzles
Fairy gathering brings new magic
to northern woods
W.H.O. and Harvard release study
of worldwide responses to AIDS
She thought life would be much
Volunteers needed for ongoing
AIDS vaccine study
Review of Powaqqatsi
Gabor letter
Frannie Davis letter
Norm Briden letter
Sharon Kowalski birthday rally
draws 75
Gay ham-radio operators wanted
Continuous expansion marks last
ten years at Gay '90s
Gay History Part 16. An
introduction to the Contemporary Period 1600-1960
U.S. Senate appropriates record
funds for AIDS as well as "no promo homo"
Police, fire fighters
door-knocking for Karen Clark
Kiss-in at Democrat's convention
sparks clubbing
Lawsuits attack Dannemeyer
Minneapolis Foundation funds
lesbian center for Duluth
San Diego bathhouse owners file suit
Lesbian to head L.A. Community
Service Center
NOGLSTP release brochure on
computer privacy
Jean O'Leary appointed by Dukakis
AIDS predictions challenged by
Issue #196 September 6, 1988
No gay or lesbian delegates at
Republican Convention
Beth M. Good letter
Leo Treadway letter
Ron DaSilva, Locker Room manager,
dies of AIDS
Byron Williams dies at 37
Review of The Last Temptation of Christ
AIDS activist mobilization
planned for October
Finally an adult bookstore for
the gay client: The Broadway II
Seven substantive changes in
Minnesota Human Rights Act
Gay Republican launches campaign
in Hollywood
Gay History Part 17.
Continuation of the Introduction to Gays in the Modern World
Couples workshop for PWHIVs
New network to provide gay video
programs to bar network
Circle K stores only insuring
Lambda defends Los Angeles
FDA promises to expand
availability of TTT
Dukakis signs bill that bans gays
from adopting
FDA chief to meet with protesters
Oct 11
Gay reporter now Fulani's VP
Circle K waffling on insurance
plan regarding AIDS
Issue #197 September 19, 1988
Score cards for Bush and Dukakis
on gay and lesbian issues
Oregon gays plan $450,000
initiative defeat drive
Low key drive for charter
amendment in St. Paul
Gays demonstrate in Arcadia,
Suicide letter from People's
Only radical new
"religions" will save planet Earth
San Francisco style interview
with recording artist Jon Sugar
Review of Gay & Lesbian Poetry in Our Time
Gay History Part 18. James I of England: Autopsy found
"melancholy" in his blood!
Lela Schuster letter
Consumer sues firm for giving
wrong HIV results over telephone
Gay couple settles with Trans
World over vacation sweepstakes
Review of The God of Ecstasy: Sex Roles and the Madness of Dionysos
Review of The Temple
NGRA analyzes California
Proposition 102
Gay politicians to meet in San
Diego Nov 17-19
54 sought for AIDS vaccine trials
Milwaukee judge fines Army $500
per day over lesbian sergeant
Years of Pneumocystis treatment
efforts on wrong track
AmFAR publishes new guide with
help from IBM and Aetna
Colorado collecting large list of
sexual deviates
Issue #198 October 3, 1988
Statistics suggest AIDS is
drug-related rather than venereal
Gay presentations notable at sex
addiction conference
Local events for Coming Out Day
Freedom PAC meets with Steve
Activists defensive on Runyon
Carnahan selected to head Gay
Men’s Chorus
Activists lobbying for AIDS Bill
of Rights Oct 6-7 in D.C.
Lawyers Guild analyses Miera
case, finds racial and sexual bias
Annihilation or integrity: Which
will you choose?
Martin Kostrzab dies of AIDS
Gay History Part 19. Anna of
Russia and the deadly Ice Palace
Review of The Crystal Curtain
Review of Longing
Common herb has inhibiting effect
on retro-viruses
Cancelled Visa Cards added to
Dannemeyer picked to represent
Bush on AIDS
Candlelight march and FDA
takeover to follow AIDS Quilt display
Major protest planned at FDA
October 11
Gallo looking at HHV-6 and AIDS
Report cards go to Congress
October 7-10
Issue #199 October 17, 1988
C Everett Koop and Canadians give
green light to oral sex
Canadians revise guidelines in
favor of oral sex
Gay ordinance fails in Chicago
Freedom PAC sponsors debate
between Humphrey and Mann
John Lauritsen letter
Terry Boughner letter
Tom Keske letter
William C. Hunt letter
Randy Nelson letter
Molly Hart letter
Gay and Lesbian Democrats of
America letter
Gay History Part 20. Frederick
the Great of Prussia: The romantic par excellence
House passes bill sans Dannemeyer
National condom campaign has Koop
Gay atheists need court order to
participate in
Dallas parade
Review of A Handful of Dust
Review of Dead Ringers
Decapitation in Saudi Arabia
Issue #200 November 7, 1988
Vote Dukakis! Vote Mann! Vote!
Congressional report cards
Catholic Archbishop, other
religions leaders endorse gay rights move in Saint Paul
Star Tribune botched reporting on
Flowers' orbit (obit?)
Pam Tighe letter
Creston Rice letter
Joanne Lee letter
Rich Gerharty (sp?)letter
Brian J. Coyle letter
Paul Lohman succumbs to AIDS
Perry Ferguson dies of AIDS
Gay History Part 21. Herman
Melville's artistic and real-life fantasy mate
New AIDS fund drive collecting
pennies in Twin Cities
Review of A World Apart
AIDS activists zap Illinois
Hepatitis-B may activate HIV
Soviets claim woman was first
AIDS victim and prostitute
Smithsonian to acquire panels
from the AIDS Memorial Quilt
AZT funding extended six months
Priest visiting Minneapolis dies
in fall at adult bookstore
Ma Bell refuses heading "Gay
and lesbian organizations"
Whitney Mill gala raises $10,000
for MAP
HIV present in semen but not in
sperm cell
AmFAR gives $50,000 to defeat
Prop. 102 in CA
Issue #201 November 21, 1988
"It's not over yet"
Frank and Studds win big...while
gays lose best Republican friend LowellWeicker
Review of Journeys: Artworks by Roberto Gonzales
AIDS educators
Review of Reflections in Loring Pond
Perry Watkins case heard by full
Pets good for PWAs, vet says
Robert Patrick letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Gay History Part 22. Emily
Dickinson: "But we didn't do it though"
Patna, India group opens arms to
Review of The Amazon and the Page
$800,000 for chronic alcoholics
Pride Committee party November 21
Spin distributes condoms and
picks up
Syphilis/typhoid theory from
Jesse Helms uses hate crimes bill
for his own gay bashing
Gay judge unopposed in New York
Jury gives PWA $1.6 million in
blood transfusion of HIV case
HIV plasma used to help advanced
Lambda sends 1,000 letters to
Reagan on AIDS
Syphilis case load climbing in
US, mostly among Blacks and Hispanics
Waxman and Krim criticize new FDA
Issue #202 December 5, 1988
PWAs express anger over emphasis
on dying
Caitlin Ryan named `Social Worker
of the Year'
Omni magazine picks up claim that
Gallo stole
HIV discovery from French
Typhoid vaccine dismissed for
AIDS treatment in Chicago
United Way earmarks $350,000 for
AIDS in 1989
Publication surveys PWAs on AIDS
Jean O'Leary letter
Gay History Part 23. Lord Douglas' passion for Oscar Wilde
Christmas Ghost softens the Grinch
AIDS, incest and sauce in ST.
(straight) Cloud
HealthAmerica pays $250,000
damages for
Red–lining San Francisco
HIV positive lover on trial in
South Carolina
Vice cops get off after drowning
gay man
High school production with AIDS
theme won't go in
Film Torch Song Trilogy opens December 5th at Lincoln Center
San Francisco bishop boots gay
men from Catholic churches
New York court won't allow HIV
testing without consent
Voter turn out 4% higher in gay
precincts of San Francisco
Issue #203 December 19, 1988
Allan Spear, Elaine Noble receive
national awards
Checkbook activism comes of age
Gays and lesbians give $400,000
Chicago mayor launches condom
CDC contacts gay press for info
Americans visit Cuban AIDS
quarantine site
Insurance companies pushing for
HIV test consent form
NGLTF calls for response to
Midnight Caller
AIDS group sends advice to Bush
Man who posed as cop to trap and
rape a 12 year old gets 15 years
Gay History Part 24. Eleanor
Roosevelt gets last word in history series
Josef E. Bender III letter
Jim Chalgren letter
Review of Shadows of Love
Gay cop sues LAPD for $5 million
Ganciclovir cleared for trials
PWHIV sues dental clinic in San
Gay Boy Scouts battle continues
Wisconsin lesbian couple seeks
family recognition
League seeks info on skinheads
Manhattan Democrats disaffiliate
Anti-gay move by Congress
declared unconstitutional
FDA approves five minute HIV test
Issue #204 January 3, 1989
Torch Song Trilogy opens Jan 20 in Minneapolis
Evaluation says Sharon Kowalski
may be able to indicate visitation desires
New Alliance Party state
convention January 8
Judge rules unconstitutional
anti-gay amendment in Congress
Just say NO to fur coats
More restroom space for women in
Lutheran Social Services
addresses needs of families of PWAs
NGRA launches new anti-violence
Peter McLaughlin letter
Carolyn Tombers letter
Eric L. Shambach letter
Names Project distributes funds
from AIDS quilt tour
Lambda wins first step in suit
for heterosexual
Max Robinson dies of AIDS
Sylvester “Queen of Disco” dies
Judge cuts sentence in half for
"queer killers"
FBI ordered to release files on
surveillance of gays
Milk memorial sits neglected,
Two lesbians murdered in Anquilla
10 arrested in San Francisco at
protest of Midnight Caller
New Yorkers rejecting AZT
Svend Robinson re-elected in
Issue #205 January 16, 1989
Minnesota midshipman sues U.S.
Joseph Fairchild Beam, black gay
activist, dies
AIDS statistics in Minnesota
Review of Pelle the Conqueror: animal rights themes
Walt Apple letter
Robert Halfhill letter
Review of Prosperine Papers
Review of Out of All Time
Mushroom extracts helping with
Immune disorders
Navy carries homophobia into
accusation about
Soviet spying
San Francisco gets first gay
President of Board of City Supervisors
100 oppose AIDS house in
Minneapolis suburb
Norwegian lesbian activist
receives government stipend
D.C. Council passes three sad
$500,000 raised by Art Against
Issue #206 February 6, 1989
HIVIG approved for human trials
Praises for AZT in JAMA; boos for
AZT in Lancet
HIV positives have due process
rights too
Domestic abuse forum attended by
Review of The Amazon Trail
AZT is no magic bullet!
Review of Torch Song Trilogy
AIDS activists zap inauguration
Gay rights bill introduced again
in Congress
Police files on Stonewall
released by court order
Dallas parade ordered to pay Gay
27 Soviet children infected with
HIV with one syringe
Joe Eaton, PWA, dies on San
Francisco sidewalk
Hepatitis B mutant causing
Issue #207 February 20, 1989
More gay visitors deported
Minnesota legislators continue
criminalizing AIDS
Counseling pioneer Jim Frost dies
Milwaukee bathhouse closed
Gay group forms at Normandale
Michael Neilsen letter
Jerry Lee Martin letter
Les LaBuda letter
Review of Male Fantasies/Gay Realities
Belgian embassy clerk/driver
charged with murder in Florida
300 attend AIDS prayer service
Review of The Hidden Image
1989 AIDS Walk chairs announced
Gay ex-marine who saved President
Ford dies at 47
MS associated with HTLV-I
Women lobbying at Minnesota
Capitol February 27
Upcoming AA roundups
Bush nominates homophobe to post
of Solicitor General
Lesbian wins step in security
clearance battle
American Bar Association backs
gay rights 251 to 121
Kennedy chairs hearing on AIDS
HUD refusing housing grant for
AIDS patients
Issue #208 March 6, 1989
Immigration denies any anti-gay
St. Paul Electrical shorts AIDS
in insurance plan
Medical Association should be
made to pay for
HIV testing folly in Illinois
Sontag's view of
"homosexuals" called "Camp"
Canada releases all AIDS drugs
Tim Cole letter
John C. Hill letter
Review of Love Alone
Artist Tom Young dies of AIDS
Display designer John Bourne dies
of heart attack
ACT UP targets NYC City Hall for
March 28
Phone-a-letter to Congress $4.50
Federal Court rules against HIV
tests for
Nebraska organization
Randy Johnson, San Francisco gay
personality, succumbs to AIDS
Chicago AIDS foundation raises
half a million at art auction and dinner
Letter campaign against Dallas
Poppers off the shelves now
Two new bigwigs at MAP
Issue #209 March 20, 1989
Robert Mapplethorpe: Photography
at the limit
Barron's asks if FDA is on wrong
track for AIDS drugs
On Salmon Rushdie and satanic
Miller's accused of betraying gay
rights award
1989 Pledge Walk for AIDS
Schneider Drugs in Prospect Park:
The corner drugstore revisited
Rape charges against HIV positive
man dropped
Review of Gay Men and Women Who
Enriched the World
Bob Webster letter
Sullivan confirmed as HHS
Review of Sodom and Gomorrah
Jim Lewis, hairdresser dies at 34
Hate Crimes Statistics Act
introduced inCongress
PWARC fasting to pressure
California governor
Gay judge appointed in
Boy sues Scoutmaster
Documentary about Evelyn Hooker
PFLAG offers pamphlet on cause of
Directory of activist groups
Study urges early TB treatment if
AIDS virus present
Issue #210 April 3, 1989
Larry Kramer speaks here April 16
New agent found in AIDS
Poppers: the end of an era
Rodney K. Raab letter
Bob Halfhill letter
Barney Frank interview
Immigration reform bill
ACT UP to storm S. Carolina
Dallas Gay Center hit by burglary
and arson
AIDS dropping off in San
ACT UP closes FDA Seattle
Life imprisonment proposed in
Wisconsin for spreading HIV
Dallas judge will face
Mentor introduces Magnum condom
Women's concerns dominate gay
military project
Class action suit filed after bar
raid in Chicago
Helms hampers AZT subsidy
Cal Anderson from Seattle joins
Issue #211 April 17, 1989
Dutch Person with AIDS wins
Thomas J. Schiltgen letter
Martin Olav Sabo letter
R.C. Shulstad letter
Robert Flowers letter
Tim Campbell letter
Larry Kessier, Diane Ahrens named
to US AIDS Commission
No Minnesota Congressmen push AZT
funding extension
Wallace Swan running for library
GLCAC elects new board
190 arrested at New York City
Hall March 28
Helms et al delay national sex
Yankee eccentric to Fort Ladeda
Review of A Simple Suburban Murder
News from Seattle Sports Festival
and Gay Games III
Review of The Skeptical Feminist: Discovering the Virgin, Mother and Crone
Surviving lovers' group at MAP
Erik Hart dies of AIDS
Four-to-a-house law struck down
in New York via state constitution
Baltimore AIDS clinic sues
NGRA appeals Los Angeles
employment discrimination suit
Report police abuse to GLCAC
Health research with honorarium
Lesbian support group in St. Paul
Woman author and INS target to
speak April 28
Lesbian refugee seeks citizenship
$30,000 for sexual ethics
Clinical trials expanded for
Issue #212 May 1, 1989
Gay 90's gets new neon
Spirit of Lakes becomes U.C.C.'s
first gay congregation
Protest of fag-basher comic May
Ollie North meets same judge as
Leonard Matlovich
Eddie Felien letter
Tim Campbell letter
May 21 Walk is a way to do more
than just care
Review of Cary Grant: The Lonely Heart
Review of Equal Affections
Phone sex in Supreme Court
TWA denies gay couple frequent
flier trip, gets sued
CNN to deal with medical disputes
in AIDS May 6
AIDS five times as prevalent in
Caribbean, Latin America as in U.S.
Gay wedding in China
Jack Campbell runs for Mayor of
New AIDS database available
Bomb explodes outside gay disco
in Guadalajara
Issue #213 May 15, 1989
6,000 march for gay pride in
Perry Watkins reinstated by
Appeals Court
Hate mongering not appropriate at
Compound Q (GLQ223) stirs
Dutch immigrant Marinus Bos
responds to Schiltgen and Martin Sabo
Military witch-hunt victims
testify before DACOWITS
Kellogg shareholders stunned by
gay speech
HRCF Joins Amicus brief in
Supreme Court abortion case
Mineral and vegetable oil based
lubricants destroying condoms
Steven Todd Kunz dies of AIDS
Christine Jorgensen dies at 62
Late night meetings again at
Gay couple to attend prom
Author of Lust reads at WAC June 22
Minneapolis Civil Rights Dept
lets church discriminate in renting
Milwaukee bishop throws Dignity
from the inn
Homosexual defined as “queer”
Stonewall Survivors sought in St.
D.C. employees pledge $500,000 to
AIDS clinic
Skinhead arrested in gay murder
in Houston
Massachusetts taxpayers may get
check off for AIDS funding
San Francisco tourist bureau to
advertise Freedom Day parade in 1990
Proceedings against Dallas judge
will be public
AIDS drugs trials hotline:
Issue #214 June 5, 1989
ACT UP zaps Kinison
Orlando deputy fights for job
while KKK protests
Sister Commissioner charges
County staff with jeopardizing AIDS effort in Minnesota
Verhoef guarded in response to
immigration policy change
Stuart McDonald letter
Patrice Perregali letter
Turkish editors risking arrest
for gay rights
New gays philateling
Arizona deputy sheriff wins fight
for gay rights
Writer George Whitmore dies of
Denmark legalizes gay marriage
AIDS actions in Thailand
Benefit concert for Laurie Dow
Enrollment closing for AZT study
at U of M
Punitive damages awarded in AIDS
discrimination case
Anti-porn law struck down as
Gay pride march planned in Israel
20,000 march in Texas
Seattle rights department rules
in favor of medical
Insurance benefits for partners
Chinese herbs may help battle
AIDS, microbiologist reports
Persantine may enhance or safen
AZT usage
Lambda sues TWA for
discriminating against lesbian and gay couples
Issue #215 June 19, 1989
Gay Pride march, Sunday June 25,
Loring Park, Noon
San Francisco gets domestic
partners law
Two more nabbed at U.S. border
Republican memo gay baiting Tom Foley
leads to dismissal
ACT UP seizes stage at
International Conference on AIDS
Herpes and AIDS linked at
Montreal conference
1989 National Lobby Days
Review of The Demon Lover
Salk reports progress towards HIV
Barry Gingell, MD dies of AIDS
Let me die alive!
Calls needed on Helms amendments
Wanted by FBI: John Kelly Gentry
1989 National Lobby Days
Finding God in Leather: The
International Mr. Leather Competition
Review of Remembering Stonewall: An Anthology takes shape
Senate bumps up AIDS funding,
House holds line
New type of drug studies starting
in San Francisco
Bulgaria to test every adult in
Angry Mormons gather in Reno
Negotiations regarding Coors
Contact tracing on Twin Cities
Live June 22, Thursday
Dannemeyer loses libel suit
against B.A.R.
May Day organizers refuse to
announce gay parade contingent
Issue # 216 July 3, 1989
Over 1 million remember Stonewall
State, County face off on Red
Door July 6
Editor of Chicago gay mag dies of
Forced contact tracing for HIV is
Harvey Hertz letter
Blacks, whites fighting over AIDS
in Chicago
Mass wedding planned in
Stonewall Climbers recruiting
adventuresome gays and lesbians
Three years after Georgia vs.
Hardwick, activists refocus on sodomy laws
Supreme Court protects sex talk
Pennsylvania moving to protect
confidentiality of HIV tests
Kummer receives Catholic award
The "war effort" and
gay pride
"Fag killer" executed
Gay marriages legalized in
Swedish Amnesty group joins
pro-gay caucus
AIDS programs promised, nixed in
ACT UP zaps Forbes
Moral Majority disbanded
Mass. debates gay rights bill
Gays avoiding anal sex or using
14% of gay men back sliding to
unsafe sex
Issue #217 July 17, 1989
Lesbian expects citizenship soon
ACT UP Minnesota heads to Mora
with convoy of protest
Pacific Bell assessed $3.2
NYC Village crowd totals overly
aggressive car while commemorating Stonewall
Kowalski committee says job is
MAP gets $30,000 for St. Cloud
Summary of AIDS work by
Minneapolis Health Department released
Sandra Coleman runs against Tony
Victor Halsey running against
Brian Coyle
ACT UP New York lists twelve
points in drug research agenda
Animator John Brister dies of
Written, oral testimony on civilian
review invited
Raymond LeBrun letter
Gerrie Kincaid letter
Risa Morgan letter
Chicago Mayor and County Sheriff
join Pride Parade
Iowa town passes gay rights law
US Postal cancellation marks
Home of lesbian pioneers
destroyed by fire
HIV not producing antibodies
early on in most cases, U of P study says
Gai Pied French gay rag seized by
US Customs in Philadelphia
San Francisco ACT UP pickets
Concord church
Issue #218 August 7, 1989
250 AIDS activists zap rural
Minnesota town
State now demands names and
addresses for all HIV tests
Senate Committee votes to extend
funds for AIDS drugs
Catholics refuse gay for divinity
AIDS employment victory appealed
1500 gather for MCC conference
Knud Josephsen wins entry despite
The complacency around AIDS must
be shattered
Richard A. Simon letter
Charles C. Williamson letter
Rick Haddorff letter
Jo Meyertons letter
Hans Paul Verhoef letter
Craig Ketchum dies of AIDS
NGRA appoints Ann Bradley
Joe Steffan wins round one
Simon Nkoli makes it to IGLA
conference in Vienna
Mora vs. Tienanmen Square
Examiner's gay series belongs in
every gay home
Review of The Bar Stories
New strain of HIV eludes tests
Gallo's lab investigated for
Official AIDS figures may be
false due to rich folks
AAA loses in Seattle complaint
Bigots in Santa Rosa
Helms passes obscenity bill like
Illinois passes obscenity/assault
TWA changes frequent flyer policy
Two new insurance for AIDS
Issue #219 August 21, 1989
Domestic partners debate
dominates Seventh Ward race
Outweek prints "Peek a
Boo" list
Spence arrested in New York
CUAV releases local survey
Campbell proposes moving
complaints against police to City Attorney's office
Harvey Zuchman letter
Disability Rights Bill heads for
Senate victory
Gay lobbyists excited about
events in Congress
Boudykke art show at Quatrefoil
Review of The Dog Collar Murders
Smoke, smoke, smoke that
Southern Theater offerings in
Last full AIDS Quilt display Oct
6-8 in D.C.
Ben Shalom looses appeal
HIV man in Florida wins a round
Appellate Court upholds
California AIDS decision
Grinnell married student policy
Domestic partners recognized in
New York
34 M.C.s urge parallel drug
Lambda wins round one with D.C.
Big Brothers
Lambda finally listed in federal
Issue #220 September 5, 1989
Barbara Carlson courts gays and
Bob Keene succumbs to AIDS
County Board and Task Force back
Red Door policy
Gay sailor scapegoated for USS
Iowa explosion
“Give us names, names, names!!!”
say some
Review of AIDS Testing and Privacy
“Back, ye brazen hussies!”
Pat Scott letter
Noelle Schaupp letter
Awesome mystery in each life
Austria decriminalizes male
Gay couple accepted by U of
NYC AIDS activists protest
housing shortage
NGRA joins Cruzan briefs
National Coming Out Day October
11, 1989
Worry stimulates immune system
Sailor recants on accusations
against Hartwig
Gay and lesbian Mormons meet in
Reno Oct 6-8
ACLU joins suit with Parris
Island lesbians
Crowds cheer Barney Frank
Barber shaves banned in Moscow
AIDS Quilt at Waterloo November
Issue #221 September 18, 1989
Simon Nkoli tours world speaking
out against AIDS
2/3 of HIV-Positives may not get
ACTUP meets with Ashton, Health
Late Congressman's will to be
challenged by “lover”
Run for Pride raises $2892 for
Lesbian traveler Yong Sook Bonsma
FDA advisory panel OKs parallel
track drug trials
Jim Scheibel garnering
progressive endorsements
Eric L. Shambach letter
Carmen Pollock letter
In Memory of Ray Tackelson
Bradley Fischer dies of AIDS
Veto kills Muscatine gay rights
Dallas police reject lesbian
Drag war in Indianapolis
Society to study daily newspaper
HIV testing in China
MAP starts pushing HIV test,
Insurance for kids. $25 per year
French piloting faster AIDS drugs
Condoms at U of Minnesota
GMHC hires Washington lobbyist
Issue #222 October 2, 1989
Eartha Kitt to sing at Costume Ball
Secrets got him drunk
Signal lights on "Thirteenth
National organization likely as a
result of 2nd Annual Gay Powwow
50 band members meet here
Shanti Minnesota getting
Irving Berlin Master of camp and
Vito Russo benefit for Karen
Clark Oct 12
Carlson prompts new gay group to
ACT UP to leaflet commuters on
Mall Oct 6
Nathan Kolodner dies at 38
Douglas Wilson letter
Gary E. Orians letter
Robert Patrick letter
AIDS update conference in San
Strip searches of ACT UP
protesters in Portland
Singapore closes gay discos to
stop AIDS
ACT UP hits Wall Street
Plainclothes cop shoots gay man
in park
Compound Q early findings
Dannemeyer continues bigotry
HRCF to honor Warwick, Hoyer
Issue #223 October 16, 1989
Carlson-Alexander connection
So what's the big deal about
cruising Loring Park?
Anonymous letter
Jonathan Campbell letter
Joanna Russ letter
John Bisciglia dies at 52
Bette Davis: Spunk and special
Jackie Cherryhomes winning gay
support in Ward 5
James Madson letter
Modern world's first gays marry
with full legal status in Denmark
Federal Appeals Court orders
Medicaid reimbursement for AZT
Natalie Goldberg to lead writing
atelier for PWAs
Burton Clark dies of AIDS
Terry Williams letter
Review of Lesbian Love Stories
Illinois rejuggles AIDS laws
Gay bashers sued for $20 million
NGRA publishes guide for foreign
Hospital loses to HIV patient
Sexy AIDS ads disturb Wisconsin
Pre-gay figure skater dies at
Congress ruled unconstitutional
in interfering with D.C. gay rights law
HIV positive American gets
Australian visa for bridge tournament
Man who bit deputy must take
blood test
Student leader at U of Minnesota
backs off resistance to ROTC ban on gays
Deukmejian vetoes protection
against discrimination for HIV positives
Attack on gay/lesbian schools
prevented in Congress
New magazine pumps “daddy” theme
Carlson murders two gays
Issue #224 November 6, 1989
Massachusetts enacts gay and
lesbian rights law
MAP/MDH conduct $103,000 survey
of effectiveness of AIDS education campaign
F.A.G.S. trash R.O.T.C. at U. of
Stop stoning gays! Stop stoning
Why spend $100,000 to assess
non-existent AIDS campaign?
Pentagon officials blast report
Review of Common Threads: Unangry documentary on AIDS
“Gay-smart” woman becomes US
Surgeon General: Mathilde Krimm, MD
Tim Campbell letter
Allen Smalling letter
Anonymous letter
Gerry E. Studds letter
Richard Osborne letter
Maupin compared to Dickens
AIDS services, gay businesses
farewell in San Francisco quake
ACT UP/LA targets Prudential
GLAAD confronts NBC Nightly News
Illinois activists pushing for
domestic partner rights
Congress passes new measure for
DC gay rights
ACTUP/Chicago trashes Burroughs-Wellcome
Drug convert preaching homophobia
Lesbian representative to chair
child care task force in MN
$63,000 settlement with Raytheon
Wisconsin man settles employment
suit for $15,000
Right wing politics tied to gay
Issue #225 No Copies Available
Issue #226 December 4, 1989
Gay and lesbian officials gather
in Madison
New York Native publisher thinks
answer to
AIDS may be mycoplasma incognitus
All eyes on Coyle and the new
City Council, please!
Where were the DFL gays in the
fight against Barbara Carlson?
Sol Gordon speaks at Youth and
AIDS Conference
ACT UP Minnesota joins World AIDS
Mark Wallem hired by State
Senator Allan Spear
Tim Campbell letter
Terry Boughner letter
Robert Peterson letter
Tim Campbell letter
Stevie Bryant letter
Sue Hyde letter
Walter Cavalieri letter
Review of Sleeping Beauties
Congress examines security
clearance issue
Spanish gays protesting military
Texas PWA sues employer and
Jean O’Leary on Democrats’
National Committee
Time Magazine supports and
slights gays
William Allen speaks at anti-gay
Lawyer arrested at Yale for
Rotterdam joins International Gay
and Lesbian Organization
Issue #227 December 18, 1989
HIV positive woman charged with
attempting to spit great bodily harm on officer
How to prevent relapse into
unsafe sex
Gay books that make festive
holiday gifts described
Leo Treadway receives $5000
McKnight Award
Loitering plea plagues man 20
years later
Sheepish report doesn't flinch at
sexual conduct
Ballet of the Dolls Christmas
fare called both sweet and saucy
ACT UP stops mass at St.
Patrick's Cathedral
Allan Spear letter
Cliff Steele letter
Frank letter
Igor Fajnor letter
Robert Halfhill letter
DC Skinheads convicted
AZT causing cancer in mice
Vote in Madison to ban ROTC spurs
AIDS "Time-Bomb" in
HRCF to start `Registry of
AIDS Benefit concert cut short by
tear gas
Former DC policeman who was
openly gay diesof AIDS
O'Leary in trouble at NGRA
Gay rights battle in Chicago high
Sought: Jackie Starr, Jewel Box
Issue #228 January 2, 1990
Brian Coyle becomes City Council
Gay activism now emerging in
Lutherans Concerned affirms
support for Lesbian and Gay Ministry
Parents FLAG campaigns for Hate
Crimes Act
St. Joan's starts assisted living
for PWAs
European Parliment calls for end
to transsexual discrimination
Review of Sister Gin
Wallace (Wally) letter
Tad Park letter
Carol LeFavor letter
Roy Allan Racca letter
AIDS Activists say Chicago AIDS
campaign useless
Stop smoking to fight Jesse Helms
Review of Eighty-Sixed
55,000 letters to Ann Landers
"forbid" Gay Games III
Barr responds to GLADD on “faggy”
Two new sponsors for hate crimes
bill in Senate
Chronic fatigue organizations
seek coalition with AIDS efforts
Chicago high school protects gays
and lesbians
Georgia PWA sentenced to 10 years
First openly gay Episcopal priest
to be ordained
Planning for 1990 Pledgewalk for
AIDS begins
Moment of conception law used by
Issue #229 January 15, 1990
Sr. Ashton sleeps through
national AIDS commission session here
Reports from Romania: Gays
tortured under Ceausescu
NIH more interested in Mycoplasma
incognitus now
NGLTF scores senators and
Mapplethorpe `rtist of the Year
in Chicago
Molly Yard letter
Turning 40-- It could be worse!
Sixth AIDS benefit Interfaith
Prayer Service
Review of The Everlasting Secret Family
U of Tennessee paper inserts
Testimony of Minneapolis City
Council Member
Brian Coyle to the task force of
the National
Commission on AIDS January 4,
1990 in St. Paul, Minnesota
Gay group claims victory in
Dallas case
Marine Corps admits error in
prosecution of lesbian
PWA shot by "friend" in
LA hospital
Support Group for male assault
Needle program in San Francisco
busted by cops
AIDS activist stop Rose Parade
Lesbian sues for visitation
rights in prison
ACT UP/London Closes Westminster
Florida PWA sues employer for $15
Feds must face courts over AIDS
Issue #230 February 5, 1990
Gessen comments on her
citizenship approval
Loleatta Holloway at Gay 90s
Valentines Day
Schoolteachers nabbed in Michigan
entrapment operation
People Power: The missing element
in earlier years of the drive for gay and lesbian rights
Dean Amundson letter
Nancy Jones runs for County
Homophobic ads in New York City
Softballers coming out again
Gay American Legion Post
In Memoriam: Nathaniel Pier,
Pride Committee starts with
Gay basher gets 10-30 years
First gay group in USSR
Ann Landers on gay marriages
GLADD challenges Andy Rooney
Gay man sues women's space in
Day of remembrance for black gay
men and lesbians Feb 25
Survey of black men
Lambda challenges vice arrests
Canada to award $120,000 to blood
recipients infected with HIV
ACT UP action planned for Chicago
April 20-23
Issue #231 February 19, 1990
Governor, two mayors host benefit
for Aliveness at Gay '90s
Rodriguez accepts five years
probation on HIV-related spitting charges
Rodriguez sentence includes stay
of imposition, other interesting legal aspects
Project strives to prevent AIDS
among teens
ILGA planning gay conference in
Gay and lesbian couples have
chance to get listed in 1990 US census tracts
Review of Gods of the Earth and Heaven
New group (G.U.L.P.) specializes
in nonmenclutter
Review of One Voice
Yuri Spitzer letter
Darrell Ledger letter
Ava Gardner...an artistic
Review of Matlovich: The Good Soldier
Best books for 1990 listed
Mount Sinai gets new funds for
case workers
Miss Gay Great Lakes USA Pageant
Senate passes "hate
crimes" bill
U of W regents refuse to expel
Gay bank now in receivership
Gay soap to air soon
Right wingers fail to get support
Restroom arrestees' names
published in Harvard Crimson
TV show leads to arrest of murder
suspect in Las Vegas
Iran starts executing gas and
Lesbian survey ranks partnership
rights as the #1 issue
Appeals Court OKs extra scrutiny
of gays, lesbians
Larry Bagneris makes run off in
New Orleans
Aliveness baskets totaled $90,000
AIDS Quilt to get its own building in San
Kaposi's sarcoma cause disputed
AmFAR awards $1.1 million to
community based research
Activists propose new laws in
Kansas City
US Senator Jerry Studds
challenges Federal AIDS policies
Social assistance versus the
Episcopalians select AIDS
Issue #232 March 5, 1990
Coyle launches drive for domestic
Strong US dollar makes shopper's
paradise in Mexico
U of M students join boycott of
Boshwitz sponsors bill to ban gay
TWA grants refund in case
involving death of a lover
Both gay scene and AIDS scene
bleak in Romania
David Bergin dies of AIDS
Palm Beach passes gay rights bill
Small business loans
Supreme Court refuses to hear
cases against military
Directive 1332.14 on
homosexuality, verbatim
Chicago Transit caves in on AIDS
Episcopalian minister advocates
Meningitis drug approved by FDA
Kentucky gay basher gets 50 years
Gay harassment escalates in
Issue #233 March 19, 1990
Calliope and Carnahan to add
special touch to TCMC spring concerts
Seattle city employees get
domestic partner benefits
$40,000 raised at Gay '90s for
Current "domestic
partners" proposal for
Minneapolis would only benefit
one a thousand
Star Tribune needs to change
political formula reporting
Minnesota Daily should revise
AIDS guidelines
Allan Spear letter
Richard (Rick) A. Simon letter
Christopher Dodge letter
Howard K. Bell letter
Review of Timon of Athens
Review of Mother, Mother
Review of Pretty Woman
Scott Jarvis obituary
Levi William Swanson dies
Robert L. McDonald dies
New bookstore on Lake Street near
Review of Shaggy Haired Horses of Winter
Review of Greek
Iowa Supreme Court rules in favor
of gay father
N.J. police chief ends
plainclothes harassment
Washington University supports
Holobaugh against ROTC
Czechoslovakian activists seek
Men are the weaker sex
Lesbian billboard in Chicago
Mike Gelpi running for Congress
in Columbus
Oxidation and Reticulose not
Kennedy and Hatch propose
disaster relief for AIDS
Issue #234 April 2, 1990
Has the AIDS epidemic peaked?
ACT UP Annie reads BS Dipstick
National PAC urges phone calls to
New York appeals court denies
lesbian visitation
Two Queers and a Het offers fine new music option
Strike Force letter
Robert Frame letter
Lee Heikens letter
Review of The Handmaid's Tale
Review of Unfinished Women
Review of Spectacular Women
Review of A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present
GLADD tells story behind Andy
Rooney flap
GMHC updates two useful pamphlets
Librarians announce 1990 book
Richard Chamberlain comes out in Nous Deux
Iceland gets gay paper
Gallo says Japanese have cure for
New York applies partners rights
for apartments
Lesbian wins visitation rights
for lover
Kansas City AIDS project abandons
gay rights drive
HRCF seeks young leaders
Western Union loses gay account
Australian immigration toughens
Issue #235 April 16, 1990
ACT UP, pro-choicers yell
"Can that nun!"
Anatomy of a disaster
Perpich appoints Task Force on
Lesbian and Gay Minnesotans
Richard Osborne letter
David Lyons letter
NGLTF head interrupts Bush's AIDS
Methodists seek AIDS volunteers
Review of Cunegonda
Chippewa rights advocated
Gay survey gives straight press
low grades
U of M group challenges ROTC
Review of The Green Fuse: Journeys on the Amazon
Federal judge in California rules
for phone lines
ILGA leader Jean Claude Letist
Estonia OKs gay conference
Pittsburgh City Council approves
gay rights
NAMBLA editor charged
NGRA announces $50,000 Hormel
Pharmacist with HIV wins back pay
Tulane students launching law
ROTC demands repayment from two
more gays
AIDS conference faces major
Issue #236 May 7, 1990
1,000 angry AIDS activists storm
Perry Smith dies after long
battle with AIDS
Let's hear it for outing!!!
Larry Kramer calls for
"riot" in San Francisco June 20-24
Entertainers' Alliance opposes
outing the stars
Alpha-Interferon stopping, curing
AIDS in Africa
ACT UP to demand more drug trials
at May 21 demos
Michaelangelo Signorile punches
out heckler on Geraldo show
Don Knutson St. Paul native
founder of NGRA dies of AIDS
Constituent grows want broader
domestics partners law
Review of Talk
Review of Sexual Personae
Red Helbig letter
Larry Kramer, other GMHC founders
cited by US President
Wisconsin man sues for partner's
Burroughs-Wellcome seeks secrecy
Bush invites gays, lesbians to
White House signing
MN Senator offers apology for
crude analogy
76th vote gained for national gay
rights bill
Anti-gay foster care policy
reversed in Massachusetts
HRCF gives $5,000 to Helms
Chicago voters oust bigot
10 day visas now available for
conferences in US
Minister studies tearoom,
bookstore sex
AIDS activist call Marlboro
ISSUE 236 MAY 7 1990
1,000 angry AIDS activists storm
Perry Smith dies after long
battle with AIDS
Let's hear it for OUTING
Larry Kramer calls for riot in
San Fran
Entertainers' alliance opposes
outing stars
Alpha-Interferon curing AIDS in
Signorile punches out heckler on
Forbidden Broadway reviewed
Don Knutson dies
Constituent groups want broader
domestic partners law
Bill T Jones dance & AIDS
Nefertiti to Dickenson sheds light on erotic expressions
Larry Kramer, other GMHC founders
cited by US President
WI man sues for partner's
Burroughs-Wellcome seeks secrecy
Bush invites gays/lesbians to
White House
MN senator offers apology for
76th vote for gay rights in
Anti-gay foster care policy
reversed in Mass.
HRCF gives $5,000 to Helms's
Chicago voters oust bigot Pullen
10 day visas now available for
Minister studies tearooms,
AIDS activists call Marlboro
ISSUE #237 MAY 21, 1990
Susan (?) Denevan, a lesbian
feminist elected president of U of MN Student Association
Mike Gelpi wins congressional
primary in Ohio as open gay
Major groups listed which are
boycotting Sixth Intl AIDS Conference
Why riot in San Francisco? Kramer
Tim McFeeley shares thoughts at
White House signing
ACT AWFUL/Chicago outs hetero
Greg Kolovakos obit
Scott Lesher obit
Swiss police caught with gay sex
Couples survey finds long-lasting
Settlement reached in redlining
LorraineTeel takes over at MAP
Vanities reviewed
One act plays reviewed
Happy Mother's Day: Commentary by
Larry Larson
Mapplethorpe photographs lead to
Imperfection redefines art forms
Coming Out Under Fire reviewed
A reporter's take on outing. Commentary by Rex Wockner
Shambach letter on sex survey
Portland ACT UP outs US Sen. Mark
Gay man in DC settles with Big
Vermont passes hate crimes law
Gay activist seeks office in
Black candidate in DC slams gay
GMHC places ads for wide drug
Aaron Diamond receives Lambda
France bans poppers
Greta Garbo reputed to be lesbian
and transvestite
Monument to gays in Bologna
ISSUE #238 JUNE 4, 1990
Ray Myers files discrimination
suit against U of MN
3,000 storm National Institute of
Saga of TCMC and the
"g" word
It's time to out Howdy Doody
MAP partially boycotts AIDS
Is Jesse Helms pushing tobacco on
3rd world kids?
Slow moving crisis in housing
WHO & MAP join boycott
Anthology of AIDS plays reviewed
Fallen Angels reviewed
Leading groups call for new AIDS
research priorities
She-male snakes discovered in
Letters from Maurice Weinblatt
Iceland gets first gay bar
House passes faulty Disabilities
$2.9 billion voted for AIDS in
Sentinel fires woman for outing
Fundamentalists fight Gay Games
New York court rejects mandatory
Lesbian sues Dallas police force
Army drops tuition refund return
$5,000 art commission open
Condoms in hotel rooms in Uganda
Issue 239 June 18, 1990 Pride Issue
Jerry Smith, Lambda co-fouder,
dies of AIDS
Foundations give $593,291 to AIDS
Yes, outing is really in!!!
Boycotting, broadcasting
conference not compatible
Seven members of Congress outed
with little smoking evidence (Commentary by Mike Petrelis)
Wrathall letter
Patricia Pink letter
INS plans for activists this week
in SF
Executions in Iran
Interview with Tim Miller
Top Girls reviewed
500 HIV positive gather in Madrid
Tim Miller and Marlon Riggs at
Hatch favored by gay and lesbian
Ohio State closes dorm
150 at first Soviet gay
Empire State Bldg to glow
ACT UP Chicago heckles Bush
Capitol rally
Black Democrat runs against Helms
Connecticut hate crimes bill
National Conference on ROTC in
Issue #240 July 2, 1990
ACTUP wins in Frisco (6th Intl
AIDS Conference)
Conference opens doors to ACTUP
at closing
Louis Sullivan's words at
Gerry Studds letter
Rob Hall and Homestead letter
Camille Paglia letter
Coffin Project launched by three
Hypothermia successful with one
Tim Miller shows reviewed
Anniversary Waltz reviewed
Kitchen Duty and After Eleven
Take Me to the Underground reviewed
Grin of victory
Gay Pride Minneapolis photo brief
Gerry Sikorski joins gay rights
sponsors in Congress
GLAAD attacks Bird on a Wire
Chicago billboards Art against
FBI sued over homophobia
Dignity testifying in Minneapolis
rights hearings
Queen hires aide to trail Prince
Chilean police raid discos, test
for HIV
Gay affinity credit card offered
Gay group forms in Peru
Bigamy in Winnipeg
Madison OKs rights measure
Boycott Chiquita bananas
Fast-acting AIDS kills two
Issue #241 July 16, 1990
Minnesotans act up in San
(Sixth Intl AIDS Conference
AMA arranges special workshop on
mycoplasma incognitus for Montagnier & Lo
Clinic 42 open house
Deadly Minuet previewed
Miss Ever's Boys reviewed
Republican gays surveyed
Kentucky judge nixes sodomy law
New magazine called
"viciously homophobic"
Genetic origins of sexuality?
AIDS bias bill Oked
Pride parade in Idaho
AmFAR gives $145,000 for safe sex
Rabbis accept gays and lesbians
International Mr. Leather
Jodie Foster comes out
Adopting a highway denied to
Community based AIDS care in
Soviet safe sex film
Ontario paper must carry gay ad
Gay bashers released without bail
Thoelke moves south and east
Lesbian elected judge in
Male prostitution in Ft Wayne
Bush' nephew campaigning against
Gerry Studds
Issue #242 August 6, 1990
Cops storm AIDS leaflettiers / 17
ACT UP arrests
ACT UP wins minor concessions
from Mayor Don Fraser
Domestic partners proposal
fraught with problems
Judge Souter's record on gay
rights not as clean as abortion record
Mark Bomchill letter
John Wrathall letter
John Hubert letter
Tom Critchett obit
Nick Pippin obit
Bob Bruneau obit
Interview with Vladimir and
Sergey, Leningrad
Sandra Bernhard's new film
Penumbra and Unicorn producing
exhilarating art
A condom for her
Gay men's chorus concert bowled
'em over
US bans discrimination against
ACT UP / Phoenix stages first
Catholic parents want ID badges
Gay bar raid in Lima, Ohio
New gay pen pal service
HRCF gives to Harvey Gantt
Lech Walesa vows to eliminate
HIV testing of rapists becomes
260 gay and lesbian marriages per
month in Denmark
ISSUE #243 AUGUST 20, 1990
Dump Helms fever rages
I hate straights verbatim
NOW should support outing
Lesbian Lutheran ministers
ILGA conference shatters
attendance record
GLCAC letter on domestic partners
Urvashi Vaid (NGLTF) letter
Gay bashing rage letter Joe
Asian lesbians hit beach
Sean Strub likely win in New York
Polish activists say Walesa would
"eliminate" gays and lesbians
Police and gays riot in Montreal;
120 injured
HIV-negatives seek similar
Gays in Argentina giving police
hard time
Dallas Park board won't inscribe
gay or AIDS
Losing It dissects machismo
More trouble for gay leader in
ACT UP arrests in Australia
50 million AIDS cases predicted
for Russia by 2006
House censors Judy Chicago art
Congress passes AIDS homeless
AmFAR and Madonna award $976,861
to CBCTs
Anti-gay bill vetoed in Boston
House committee moves to delete
gay immigration ban
Navy retreats on demotion of
Western Union reverses employment
ISSUE # 244 SEPTEMBER 5, 1990
Wake UP, Millers! Helms is going to put you out of business
Federal judge blocks law on phone
Lesbian widow sues AT&T for
Wisconsin case over classifieds
ACT UP/KC zaps city hall
Stoner McTavish mysteries
Travels with Larson: Ft
Admiral Donnell says get rid of
Susan Vass: fun, tasteful and
Tom Mellis letter
Anonymous "Straight"
Gary Novotny and Stella Whitney
join MDH
Patrick Swayze protuberance in
People magazine
Blue-green algae trials
Illinois bans gay novel
New Jersey bans courtroom
New York man dies hours after
hypothermia for AIDS
Aspirin may be important in AIDS
$16 million to find one HIV
positive in USSR
Spain asked to destroy old gay
Gays expelled from British
ISSUE #245 SEPTEMBER 17, 1990
Adm. J. Donnell's memo on
homosexuals in Navy
Federal officers lead raid on
men's festival
E.R.I.S.A. my foot! Editorial on
domestic partners law
Court ordered murder in
Argentina! Editorial by Rex Wockner
Hell for Argentine gay leaders
Letter from GLCAC Task Force on
Domestic Partners
HRCF joins Miller/Marlboro
Helms files complaint against ACT
UP over boycott
Lutherans Concerned announce
aggressive agenda
Immediate Family reviewed
Baby reviewed
Up with Queer Nation! By Larry
Minnesota Daily refuses gay
newspaper ad
ACT UP in Puerto Rico
LPN required to present HIV
PWAs flocking to Medicare;
experts say quality will suffer
Gay PAC gives Lou Demars $2,500
Laguna Beach ordains medical,
dental benefits for partners
DC extends benefits for sick care
to partners
Gay author's estate sues Knight's
Argentine gay group outlawed
Los Angeles gays raise $25,000
for Harvey Gantt
Kiss-ins planned for October 11
HUGS formed in Tasmania
Issue #246 October 1, 1990
Rex Wockner interviews two
lesbians from Estonia
ACT UP meets Bush in Minneapolis
ACLU, NGLTF plan national
conferences in Mpls (ROTC and Creating Change)
Wisconsin man sues National Guard
ACT UP/NYC workspace torched,
Ryan White rally planned
One woman's war (Larson's Aunt
“No consumer cohesion = No
clout” (Outweek editorial)
Poison by Prescription reviewed
Gays say "No" to Souter
Shelby Imdahl's letter
Hospitality Exchange letter
Michigan group fights gay teacher
ACT UP says Miller reps not
honoring promises
Edward Stearns obituary
One of Them Male Things reviewed
L'Orfeo crafted masterfully
David Leavitt coming to WAC and A
Brothers Touch
Blood-heating treatment
scrutinized by NIH
Austria bans gay newspapers
Conference on sodomy laws
U of Texas prohibits gay
New York mayor appoints lesbian
Kowalski denied trip to
Disability Pride Day
Referendum fails in Florida
Wide AIDS testing in Peru
Green Bay Press Gazette allowed
to discriminate
ACT UP Milwaukee surveys dentists
on sly
Conference for treatment
activists planned
Issue #247 October 15, 1990
60 join ACT UP AIDS funding demo
Gay '90s Costume ball with
Jennifer Holiday
Gallo now questioned
Paul Wellstone endorsed for US
Should we be suing for gay
Gay/lesbian caucus endorses
Wellstone, others
Gay Men’s Chorus offers
energizing afternoon, inspiration from Les
Serious Money reviewed
Skin of Our Teeth reviewed
Lydia Fenton letter: outing &
NIH letter: drug trials
Matthew Butts letter
MDH allocates $1.5 million for
Black survey needs subjects
National ACT UP action disrupts
Kansas City conference
Kinsey Institute's New Report on
Sex plays it safe
Randy Shilts
Gay Jeans day in Wyoming
Activists call for early approval
Track Coach of Personal Best fired
DC Gay Community Center to close
Lima Ohio bar arrests dismissed
Naval cadet refuses to pay for
Gay Republican seeks seat for gay
Boston area
Solidarity curbs abortions in
New York Police add gay to bias
Gay Games 1994 go to New York
California governor vetoes rape
Issue # 248 November 5, 1990
Congress lifts immigration bans
Highlights of ACLU & NGLTF
conferences in Mpls
ACT UP supports acquitted on
parade charges
Aliveness "open arms"
volunteers walk out
Doctor's clinic risks funds over
abortion referrals
Night of the Iguana reviewed
Health Department cuts HIV
estimates in half
John Kelly at Ruby's Nov 15-17
NEA exonerates San Francisco Film
Gay PAC gives $400,000 toward
November victories
MN Daily bans pro-gay ad, accepts
anti-gay ads
Rally Nov 10 for domestic
partners bill
Agitprop works for gay lib themes
John Lauritsen letter
Richard Anderson letter
City Council letter on tax
increase for schools
Thanks from UGC
Disaffected Leavitt fan
Gay Men's Chorus tenth
anniversary menu
Read my scripts!
Rocky Horror video released
Minneapolis Police Department
advertises for gay trainees
Gay groups chafe at Phillip
Morris use of Bill of Rights
PFLAG qualifies for payroll
Army dentist gets nine months for
drag show
Hiawatha mural RfP (?)
Ex-justice Powell waffles on
sodomy decision
PWA seeks $1 million from dentist
Helms loses NEA censorship fight
GLAAD starts local chapters
300 mg AZT as good as 1500 mg
PFLAG shows 'em in Missouri
ACT UP NYC newcomer indicted for
arson at workspace
Cop throws Queer Nation out of
Boston bar
Retrovirus indicted in Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome
Orlando church refuses gay chorus
and AIDS benefit
Issue #249 November 19, 1990
Soviet gays emerge: Roman Kalinin
and TEMA
Local survey results published:
queer awareness at 14
765 register for NGLTF conference
in Minneapolis
U of M student group approves
domestic partners, forms ROTC advisory panel
Students gather to strategize
against ROTC at ACLU conference
“Dodging the AIDS bullet” By
Steve Perry, City Pages (with permission)
Maccani letter re Lauritsen
GMHC reacts to new immigration
Burger King joins right wing
Review of Sex: The Most Fun You Can Have without Laughing
Holly Hughes opens new work in
Christmas! Bloody Christmas! By Larry Larson
Clean Sheets reviewed
ACT UP chapters target five AIDS
Supreme Court leaves Perry
Watkins in Army
Insurance, home care available
now for PWAs
Gay Chorus concerts Dec 7-8 at
James Dean biography previewed
Lesbian asks New York Appellate
Court to review visitation case
Kemron no miracle drug says
community trial in US
Issue #250 December 3, 1990
Vito Russo dies
M L King had sex with Abernathy,
new book draft hints
Friends of GLCAC organize
Is oral sex safe or not?
Pro-gay candidate wins in
6,000 Berliners protest anti-gay
Anti-gay crackdown reported in
Holly Hughes reviewed
New book for drug takers
Gay men's volleyball league forms
ACT UP letter
The People Spoke satire
Aliveness board letter
Aliveness volunteer letter
Amazons and Military Maids reviewed
African Women's Center letter
Scott Anderson dies of AIDS
Terry M Olson dies of AIDS
Chicago activists seek gay rights
AIDS vaccine cleared for human
Soccer player's gender questioned
John Jay Colleges says boot ROTC
Kresge gives $739,000 matching
Holly Near upset
Witch hunt at US base
GM chair apologizes
Issue #251 December 17, 1990
Angry women storm CDC, pirate
demands into computer system
ACT UP demonstrators cleared,
police unable to justify Aquatennial arrests
Texas sodomy law ruled
Patrons lock cops inside London
UPI fires lesbian for freelancing
in gay press
New chemical dependency program
for gays in Denton TX
Star Tribune's editorial on
Dignity lacks coherence
“Putting ourselves first” By
Andrea Palash
Carbon Copy: WLOL/ Antay Bilgutay
Thanks from MN Leather Encounter/
Gary Dobitz
Delta discrimination/ Gary
Rage letter: Timothy Rose
Appeals court upholds gay
renter’s rights
Forging a Queer Nation By Larry
San Francisco plays reviewed
Catholics mixing theology and
AIDS care
John Shaffer obit
Sweden denies asylum to gay
ACT UP renewal
The Invitation reviewed
Spirited signing consummates
TCGMC concerts
Porn opponent dies in fire
Cops suspected in death of French
California Episcopalian marrying
Dignity awarded $23,500 in fight
with Archdiocese
KC council subpoenaed
St Cloud bookstore fined $70,000
in AIDS case
Now there's
Issue #252 January 7, 1991
Rabbi Stephen H Pinsky comes
out...with push
“Popper gas” (ethyl chloride) a
Jeff Rule dies of ethyl chloride
Why is God called “God”...among
other names?
Gay publisher Lukeshev murdered
in Moscow
Open Arms completes incorporation
Lamendola receives PHS award
Talk to lawyers, not cops,
Rabbi comes out under pressure
EthYl Gaz kills five or more
Invisible Child enchants
A Christmas Prayer by Larry
England knights gay actor Ian
Arena of Masculinity reviewed
Jenni Olson letter on Leather
Dennis Chase letter on Millers
Jerry Redmond letter on 19 Bar
WLOL letter to Antay Bilgutay
Dianne Schlotman, lesbian
mother's letter
Ann Viitala letter on resigning
Gay Hospitality Intl membership
Limelight in NYC raises funds
Dyke cartoonists form alliance
Chicago passes hate-crimes law
New highway adoption case in N
Joe Steffan wins reversal on
appeals level
HIV positive pharmacist wins job
African Natl Congress embraces
gay rights
Essence turns down queer ad
Massachusetts gets hate crimes
AIDS satellite gets $.5 million
Issue #253 January 21, 1991
Queers everywhere: 3
Agencies fight over EthYl Gaz
Women's AIDS conference details
particular problems
Treatment for children with HIV
American Indians open local
"Secular" treatment
center for alcoholism
Printer refuses erotic lesbian
Wecjman assigned to five
What's the Anthony and Cleopatra
David Perlman letter on Pinsky
Sophie Slingeland letter on
Gene Kasma letter on Pinsky
Temple Israel secret about board
Drew Siegel letter about March on
Lee Heikens letter of thanks
Medea reviewed
Il Campiello reviewed
$25,000 each to three activists
EthYl Gaz volunteer needed
Mandatory HIV tests for hookers
Straight man indicted for
spreading AIDS secretly
Aspirin benefit for HIV positives
Homoerotic art fundraiser in LA
Montagnier adds credence to role
of mycoplasma in AIDS
Mother Jones honors
Issue #254 February 4, 1991
Arne Carlson signs pro-gay orders
Minneapolis gets weak partners
Queer Nation kiss-in Feb 9
Lesbian Gail Shibley appointed to
Oregon House
Burroughs-Wellcome plans AZT
forum on the sly. Payola?
Leather Encounter
God is dead! Long live God the
Bear Pond reviewed
Family Voices reviewed
Psycho-babble not helpful on gay
Cynthia Scott's gut (Letter from
Campbell's letter to Pinsky
Scott apologizes, refuses letter
It's great out (Letter Moses,
Charles Schuminski's Potato Peelings
Dancing with the Devil by Nancy Lynn Define
Twin Cities compared: Letter, Ken
Letter to Philip Morris from Carl
Losers everywhere by Larry Larson
Phone counseling merger
18 British celebs come out
Perry Watkins settles with Army
for $135,000
Lesbian reservist comes out, gets
Amtrak charged with
Outing winning converts
Methodist minister demands
HIV + workers duty to inform
Psychoanalysts getting well (APA)
Massachusetts gets health proxy
Issue #255 February 18, 1991
Joan Drury of Minneapolis gives
$300,000 to lesbian writers
AZT workshop delayed; moderator
about deception and payola
Dallas Gay Alliance offers world
a gay MasterCard
Age of consent equalized in
Pub Piccolo decision arrives from
Tel Aviv
Ray Ritchie letter attacking ACT
AIDS Council letter criticizing
GMHC letter on AIDS and budget
Charles Schuminski peels more
than potatoes
HRCF and NGLTF called
undemocratic and un-national
Piss and Vinegar offers Uncle
Tommy awards
National Lesbian Conference
foundering for lack of funds
GLAAD goes after listings in TV
Kansas City candidate has gay
Gerry Studds challenged again
U of M Senate supports ROTC
deadline 151-12
Photographer Jim Hubbard at
Quatrefoil celebrates fifth anniversary
DFL G and L Caucus meets,
endorses Miller Beer boycott
Doug Victor succumbs to AIDS
Audar Schafer letter about
Sears and Allstate oppose gay
characters on tv
NY lesbian swears on feminist
No investigation of protests in
San Francisco
Boys Scouts join Miller boycott
Florida resists mandatory HIV
Physician sued for revealing HIV
Gay filmmakers clean sweep in
MCC minister arrested in church
parking lot
Issue #256 March 4, 1991
Jodie Foster's silence roars
Official prejudice in Minneapolis
By Mike Bloom
Men are not the enemy! By Nancy
Lynn Define
PAAC notes editorial calling
testing of physicians for HIV a "witch hunt"
AmFAR, others ask quick study of
ddI and ddC
Steve Fish obituary
David Lindeman letter re
Burroughs-Wellcome forum
Greg Baskin's letter re faith v
St. Cloud mayor quoted: gay
rights eminent
Helen Vicqua in Professionally Speaking
Silence of the Lambs reviewed by Larson
Potato Peelings held over
Don't You Know Me? Reviewed
by John Townsend
Students lobby regents on ROTC
Evelyn Hooker story being filmed
Dallas Drake, Galen O'Brien
launch photo-book project
NYC gay chorus releases major
Massachusetts gets gay
commissioner of rights
Mike Duffy appointed rights
commissioner in Mass.
Northwest Sports Festival
Outing winning converts
Straight soldier gets four years,
discharge for spreading HIV
G-CSF and GM-CSF bring new hope
in AIDS and cancer
NAC inhibiting HIV progress
Cheaper Pentamidine club offer
Two couples register as domestic
partners in Minneapolis
Petition filed to oust John
Heileman, Mayor of West Hollywood
ACT UP SF adds R J Reynolds to
boycott list
Karen Clark proposes childcare
Executioner says Holocaust
figures too high
Issue #257 March 18, 1991
Don't call me “a homosexual,”
thank you! I don't get that much
ass! Style sheet rules needed
Lesbian and gay group forms at
ERISA insurance dodge challenged
in Texas court
SAGE targets AARP and Modern
Helms goes after ACT UP because
of Miller boycott
ACLU joins lesbian custody case
Pinsky resigns as senior rabbi
Ann Bancroft article results in
News Council complaint
ACT UP letter about AMA and Helms
St Cloud asks support (letter)
GMHC supports voluntary HIV
partner notification (letter)
Sophie Slingeland letter about
Pinsky and gay fathers
Carbon copy St Paul and EthYl Gaz
Diamanda Galas at Walker benefit
Health Dept surveys Hispanic
knowledge of AIDS
CA activists tackle ethyl gas
Lesbian kiss makes TV history
New York court weighs
nonconsensual HIV testing
McLaughlin to County board
A...My Name Is Alice raises consciousness nicely
Violence reporting increases
Lyndale Congregational joins open
and affirming
Ohio gay rights activist charged
with rape
ROTC kicks out U of M's 1986
Cadet of the Year
AIDS exploited in Dilaudid scam
in Cincinnati
Murder convictions upheld
Arkansas sodomy repeal killed in
Charges filed for false
advertising of AIDS cure
Lesbians picket GMHC
Colorado doctor refuses to comply
with HIV reporting laws
Issue #258 April 1, 1991 Humor Issue
Brian Coyle establishes domestic
Six faeries caught in Loring Park
47 couples register in
Equal Time editor speaks from her
39 Congress Members say "End
ban on gays"
Thompson/Kowalski guardianship
case reopened
Three contracts needed by couples
not always set up
SAGE letter re AARP
HRCF letter about gun lobby
Frank Rhame's letter about ACT UP
Plans for gigantic Stonewall 25
in NYC in 1994
Don't Get Me Started reviewed
New group disseminating
alternative treatment info
Lesbian and gay youth conference
in Zurich
National Lesbian Conference plans
Special Olympics appeal for
Phil Willkie contemplates bid for
Judge calls Steffan a
Indiana insurance company sued
India gets gay paper, plans
national meeting
New Mexico Senate defeats gay
rights bill
Artists sue NEA director
Toxoplasmosis studies in six
Workplace HIV infection at 0.05%
in Europe
ACT UP, CISPES plan joint tax
protest Ap 15 in Chicago
Notre Dame censors ads
New international news report
Issue #259 April 15, 1991
“Cyrano” (Gerard Depardieu) outed
27 HIV positive meatpackers in
rural Minnesota settle dispute
11% entirely healthy ten or more
years after HIV seroconversion
GLCAC joins Miller/Marlboro
St Paul group endorses candidates
Solomon attacks ROTC campaign
AIDS Action Council goes national
Tim McFeeley letter ca HRCF
Jeff Retner letter on bisexuals
Drew Siegel letter about a
national march
AMA and Saloon ads letter
Words control us letter
Ohio court applies law to couples
David Feinberg in Minneapolis
April 27
Diamonda Galas review
Documentary celebrates PWA
MACF awards grants for AIDS
Activists discuss March on DC
Committees consider gay rights
TCGMC tenth anniversary concerts
Illinois prison relents on book
Lambda attacks "Judge
Letters urged to Amnesty
Another cadet takes on ROTC
Civilian Police Review in Minneapolis
Medical center adopts partners
ILGA conference in Guadalajara
Issue #260 May 6, 1991
Chicago tea party: lessons in
coalition building
Daffodils in Loring Park
Prayers at AGC MCC
Coyle letter on HIV status
Loren Oulman letter re blood
banks and SS #s
Halfhill letter on Todd Balow
PFLAG targets teens
John Flannigan, Front Runners
founder, dies
HRCF survey: Americans support
gay rights
Monthly AIDS cable series
Guidelines for safer sex
Flesh Unicorn reviewed
Robert Patrick letter on Cyrano and Campbell
Transvestite justified in
stabbing attacker
Bill extends time to file
discrimination charges
Legislator called `lesbian' after
vote against gay rights
Planning for March on Washington
Students protest ROTC anti-gay
Issue #261 May 20, 1991
Paris gays outraged over new law
ACT UP demo May 20 in St Cloud
$150,000 expansion at Gay 90's
for womenspace
SAGE and GLAAD win with Modern
ACT UP/DC calls on all to lobby
May 24-June 23
Pentagon responds to Congress
members on anti-gay policies
AIDS Action asks for full funding
of CARE bill
Prostate cancer: an ignored
Editorial: Good show and good
luck, Brian!
Gene Zurek dies of AIDS
Creeps reviewed
Bisexuals to come out at gay
GLCAC hire legal advocate
James Middleton letter on Cyrano and Merv Griffin
Shambach letter on ACT UP news
Don Slater's letter on guilty
Depardieu letter by Robinson
Dignity letter on translations
Women's Music Festival #17
Gay and lesbian human rights
Tangents 1970 editorial against
word "gay"
Steffan appeals request for
removal of “Judge Homo”
PAAC offers cable program HIV
Fag jokes in Iowa
Gay candidates concede to
straight man in DC
Poppers nearly kill again
Judge accuses Thompson of outing
Lesbian denied visitation rights
in New York State
Protests of Basic Instinct continue
Lesbian conference puts process
over substance
Pollsters and gay politics
1993 chosen for next march on DC
Issue #262 June 3, 1991
French reclaim credit for HIV
Paris gay scene seems mellow
after 25 years of absence
Will Stromer memorial
AIDS pays its respects in
Gay 90s reviewed
Home to Priam reviewed
Star Trek letters campaign
Editorial: Chernobyl study and
Fundamentalists attack Frameline
Boston Globe and Ellen Goodman
Rick Hughes letter on Campbell
U Police respond to Jacobson
NGLTF supports Thompson, Kowalski
Support Todd Balow letter from
Raymond Pertinen
Marlene Marschall appointed
Health Commissioner
New director at Affirmation Place
is Linda Rose
Phil Zwickler obit
Correction re. Andrew Miller and
100 votes for gay rights in
Gay Court gets name change
Price gouging and Pentamidine
Syphilis up for black men
Lavender strip down avenue
TV offerings on gay rights
Gay/lesbian studies at Metro
Boston ready for Softballers
Issue #263 June 17, 1991
Ken Darling would curb cruising
Marlboro/Miller boycott winds
ACT UP protest at reformatory
supports PWHIV Todd Balow
Scandal in France when Socialist
politics called AIDS
Special Olympics coming to
Reclaiming goals of gay
liberation (editorial)
Robert Patrick speaks: “What gay
Hang on Frankie, we're
coming! Aren't we?
Massachusetts GOP reaches out to
Cartoons by David Brady
Cartoon: cops abating noise and
Band and three choruses at Lake
Donahue type story dramatized at
NGLTF: "Cooperating
Organization" memberships
$6.25 calls for Kowalski
Cut it out Carson! By Ann DeGroot
Men's chorus and Dolls
NGLTF invited to FBI press
Brooklyn Center chooses its gods
West Palm Beach passes gay rights
Fargo lesbian loses visitation
Which condom best for AIDS?
Bisexuals taking over parade
Surrogate motherhood outlawed in
Aaron Scott at Gay 90s
Issue #264 July 1, 1991
AIDS sores panic Midwest: Philip
Benson MD and Richard Duff, MD
Orders for Dr. Benson verbatim
Shambach letter on AIDS agenda
MAP statement on Benson case
Air Force holds up discharge for
Greg Greeley
Gerry Studds' statement on AIDS
in Congress
French blood banks infect 1,500
Massachusetts’s gays go for full
marriage rights
James Purdy honored at Lammys
Ordway succeeding with off beat
National researchers urge condom
use while local agencies drag their heels
Next march on Washington planning
in Chicago
GLAAD wants gay columnist at NY
Prime Mistress? Edith Cresson remark
MAP annual report
CPCSM honors Paul Fleege
PFLAG to collect stories
Liz Abzug comes out running
Lancaster approves gay rights, St
Cloud no
Lavender touch at military parade
Prime ministers says 25% gay
Lesbian golfers highlighted
Resource lists for couples
Longer wait at Red Door
Issue #265 July 15, 1991
Congressman Steve Gunderson
(R-WI) outed
$49,000 rip-off at Rumors,
Townhouse by Steve Rocheford
Anti-violence rally at 24th and
Harriet draws 100-150 (James Goad)
ACT UP responds to Benson case
Steven Poole pro-life letter
Campbell letter: Discipline
Jeff Miller at Gay 90's July 21
Roger Smith dies in San Francisco
Sensitive document in Steffan
Move-in July 15; ACT UP helping
Part-pay plan and HC Med Center
ACT Up position on doctors with
Queer Republicans to meet in
Payless Shoes settles with
HIV+ man
Honey Moon reviewed
R Patrick: Instants of gay
AIDS conference offered little
GMHC summarizes insurance problems
West End opens at Gay 90's
Jim Moran and John Oliver join
rights bill sponsors in Congress
Study links Pentamidine to
survival length
Gay man dies unidentified in NYC
Capt. Greg Greeley's discharge
finalized by Air Force
Clean needle activists acquitted
Issue #266 August 5, 1991
Pete Williams Secretary of
Defense outed
Gunderson outing rocks Wisconsin
Editorial: Something rotten on
Capitol Hill
New group forms in St Cloud
ACT UP and UP and Out of Poverty
claim site for homeless youth
Kentucky sodomy law challenged by
ACLU and religious groups
Chorus joins Aquatennial parades
Hate crimes law challenged by
Letter re Tongues Untied by Scott
Tennessee Williams one acts
Muddy Waters...poets, punk,
Robert Patrick: Back to basics
Gunderson outed previously
without success in 1980
Bashing victim captured assault
on video
Ray Onstine obituary
Teen tried as adult in sexual
ACLU fights entrapment case
French Academy of Pharmacy in
Two domestic partners bills
defeated in Boston
French AIDS vaccine approach
stirs controversy
Gay Lutheran pastor resigns
Socialist Review examines
activism and science
GMHC criticizes new CDC
Tampa passes gay rights ordinance
Issue #268 September 3, 1991
Brian Coyle dies of HIV and AZT
Shay King bashing disturbs
Editorial: Why do gay men cruise
so much?
Carlson's statement on violence
silent vis a vis gays
Allan Spear joins Fam/Child board
Wellstone letter on bashing
Todd Hubbard's letter bashing
Sarcastic letter fun/love Jack
Baptist letter of support, Jerry
A better princess letter, Tim
Thanks from Coyle family letter
Boy's Life reviewed
Out disburses $100,000
Coming out on campus: a dilemma
Tatu by Kore for those itching
for ink
Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos reviewed
Next march on DC April 25, 1993
Men resist HIV longer than women
Free condoms at Balboa High
Robert Patrick: Arsty-fartsy
Dannemeyer's “conspiracy”
Square One reviewed
NYC candidate reveals HIV status
New York AIDS walk nets $573,500
HIV+ soldiers quarantined at Ft
CDC proposes redefining AIDS in
LA center gets $25,000 for youth
PWA gets 25 years for biting
Polio vaccine for AIDS?
Issue #269 September 16, 1991
Campbell runs for Minneapolis City Council
Jim Barbeau, 34, dies of stroke
100 gather at Chicano planned
Joe Disabato dies suddenly
Al Oertwig letter
Jonathan Katz letter on outing
Mississippi River extremes
San Jose gay basher given light
HIV-AIDS connection challenged in
assault case
South Bay rights attorney
The trial of Willie Baker and HIV
Robert Patrick: Supreme envy
Tommy Tune bashes Schwarzenegger
The Way We Live Now reviewed
Sydney's gay parade bigger than
Major challenges HIV testing in
Air Force
Barbara Bush calls Congress
"a pain"
Hustlers get 20 years for murder
Houston Post fires gay columnist
Falwell's new homophobic campaign
Gays protest PBS
Protesters vacation with Bushes
Gay bill in CA senate
Army officer shoots self, alleged
Issue #270 October 7, 1991
Gays lose Sixth Ward seat;
frontrunner promises lesbian/gay center in ward
A stereotype is born: Officer
Tony Miranda
Sketch of suspect in Joel Larson
Women and AIDS: What you don't
know can hurt you
GALA leadership confab slated in
Carbon Copy: Sykora letter to
Fraser and Laux
Funding Consortium's open letter
Steve Rocheford to Carol Johnson
Lavender ribbons to protest
anti-gay violence
100,00 postcards vs. 40,000
postcard on immigration ban for AIDS
Evergreen Chronicles picks new
Perry Tilleraas obit
Jim Thomas obit
Mitch Bain obit
Tom Murphy obit
Todd Butterfield obit
Photo story: Oct 1 ACT UP action
in DC
No Exit reviewed
Actors for Change plan first show
Queers left out of Desert Storm
Guarded reaction to LeVay's
Simon LeVay and Mike Signorile at
Pentagon holding out on Studds
No gay ads for Trojan condoms
Ferraro speaks at HRCF dinner in
Rome gets gay center
Universal health care demos Oct 1
Combo test for HIV-1 and HIV-2 licensed by FDA
Pete Wilson vetoes gay rights
bill in CA
Issue #271 October 21, 1991
Opinion: Uncle Sam makes a stern
chaperon (Analysis of the Anita Hill Clarence Thomas controversy)
Opinion: Demanding universal
health care
Letter Spear and Clark support
Kristina Wolff letter about
Max Hubbard letter opposing
mandatory testing
Dennis Miller letter opposing
mandatory testing
Army seeks discharge of top nurse
Navy's charges against Clayton
Hartwig discredited
Georgia case ponders lesbian
Community Research Initiative may
Wings of Hummingbird reviewed
Rick Simon letter about
Lojo Russo's letter about Annie's
Georgia Attorney Gen sued by
AIDS extortion in Pittsburgh
30% of PWAs are over 40
UPI radio reporter signs off due
Studds releases latest Pentagon
Denver hearing officer rules for
Helms wins vote on art
Issue #272 November 4, 1991
AIDS 10 Years: A wrap-up
Male witch hunting (Translated
from French)
Health Department wants six new
laws for AIDS
Private Idaho no gay Disneyland
Dignity characterizes Whore
John Preston visits one of his
Gay Men's Chorus announces 11th
Robert Patrick: Dear Pinocchio
Robert Sykora letter to Police
Nick Minenko exhibit
Danny Kaye, L. Olivier outed in
Adventists win lawsuit over name
Obscenity law scrapped by
Tom Campbell bill stirs AIDS
Cracker Barrel cans queers
Brown asked if he practices safe
Oberlin lesbian, gay, bi alumni
Issue #273 November 18, 1991
Boy George coming to Gay 90's
Gay basher pleads guilty, gets
light sentence
Opinion: Dykes canceling out fags
DFL Feminist Caucus elects 2 men
1 woman
Natl League Umpire Dave Pallone
talks at St. Olaf's
Letter from Russian
Letter: Bi who won't vacillate
Letter: In defense of bisexuals
Van Sant on kiss in Private Idaho
79% support access to
experimental drugs
Sentinel staffers fired over
mayoral byline
Grapes of Wrath reviewed
Peter Staley joins AmFAR board
Quote on invisibility
Senate reverses on Helms
Robert Brown resigns from AmFAR
under fire
Oral hearings for Joe Steffan
Dartmouth gives ROTC an ultimatum
Activists demand AIDS czar
CDC testing waters with HIV tests
upon admission to hospitals
Producer Joseph Papp dies
Pee-Wee Herman sentenced to do
Obscenity law scrapped in
Issue #274 December 2, 1991
Sherry Harris wins in Seattle
Today's feminism… tomorrow's
Calif. gays and lesbians explode
over AB 101
Amnesty Intl includes gays and
Philanthrofund gives $8,000 to 29
Lesbian persecution documentation
Columnist Barreiro on Magic
Johnson's fans
Pro-gay ads in Tacoma cause
Gay Peace Corps forming
Actors for Change, Skye Smith reviewed
Improved computer catalogue at
public library
Omicron reviewed
Masquerade promises Liz,
$2,000,000 mask
U doctors may have to take AIDS
21% failure for condoms?
AmFAR awards $4.2 million, funds
new virusresearch
Editors of Essence, New Republic
come out
Monkey virus found in Houston
Wilson vetoes gay rights and sensitivity
Virginia law against gay bars
Anti-gay Tampa monsignor arrested
in bookstore
Gay chorus only allowed during
sexuality week
Minnesota Vikings give HIV tests
Issue #275 December 16, 1991
“Judge Homo” backs Navy in Joe
Steffan case
Opinion: Abusive mothers breed
abusive boys by JR Molloy
Bob Johnson letter on women and
PFLAG letter seeking volunteers
SHOUT letter about group
Intl Gay Travel Assn letter about
HIV ban
I Can't See the Sky reviewed
The Desired Effect reviewed
Unicorn duo worth holiday time
Fladmark becomes coordinator at
Gay Sex goes to press at last
Jodie Foster honored
MAFC awards $37,000
$1,000 raised at Gem Cafe
$4,000 now in Conciliation Court
Robert Patrick: Recent travels
Resolution supports gays in
AIDS definition could double
AIDS and hepatitis C relativity
Gay porn director arrested
Milwaukee school board
Modern Maturity and Malcolm Boyd
Domestic partners registration in
Ann Arbor
Frances Faye dies
Anti-sense technology may work on
Issue #276 January 6, 1992
Mob terrorizes queer hangout in
Tim Campbell's letter to Winona
Help! Letter from Winona teachers
Petrelis files complaint against
Buchanan's henchmen
Grace House appoints director
Eddie Bolden elected VP at AFSCME
NOW president shares husband,
Ft Worth Rotary rejects gay
Murder charges dismissed against
gay jaywalker
New Orleans passes gay rights
Drag impersonates Queen at German
Bashers freed when cop fails to
show for trial
Issue #277 January 20, 1992
Earl Craig murdered by pick-up
Winona youths now fighting
Sex and the Holy Writ, Introduction
1991 films reviewed by Allen
AIDS Action Council announces
George Stambolian dies of AIDS
ACT UP TV ads rejected in New
Teens face high AIDS risk
Rose Garden to commemorate NYC
Winona looks at harassment
Earl Craig's legacy
Presbyterian resigns under
Gemini reviewed by John Townsend
Mass. gay youth suicide bill dies
Schering gives $100,000 to AmFAR
HRCF hires Cooper to work
presidential elections; Petrelis already on site in N.H.
MN Supreme Court asked to rule on
Bank of America sued by stripper
CDC delays expanding AIDS
Product may slow AIDS weight
loss, Squibb claims
Report questions link between
AIDS, experiments with malaria vaccination
Issue #278 February 3, 1992
Rape and robbery at
Psychiatrist Ralph Laskey shoots
Ron McCoy in AIDS mercy killing
Earl Craig defended
Winona Daily runs series on gays
and lesbians
Midwest poll: few changing sexual
ACT UP organizes loudest and
largest protest against Bush in New Hampshire pre-primaries
Letter from Winona teachers
Letter: Former basher writes
Winona Post
Letter John Simcox: Extremes of
feminism criticized
Letter: First Bank's neglect
Letter: Child custody plaintiffs.
Diane Schlotman
The Birthday Party reviewed
Fag Hag reviewed
Don't Get Bashed (Campaign
AIDS benefit raises $1,600
Baltimore County rejects gay
Trial starts for Aileen Wuornos,
serial killer and lesbian
Lambda sues Sheriff's Academy in
San Diego
Peter Pender leaves $2.26 million
to AmFAR
Cops' "gay decoy"
program under fire in NYC
US pushing condoms abroad but not
at home
AIDS under-reported among upper
Cop charged with exploiting gays
Petition calls for separate
police in LA, W.Hollywood
Issue #279 February 17, 1992
Witnesses debunk claims of scare
letter regarding Larson and Chenoweth murders
A name omitted for safety reasons
Sex and the Holy Writ. Part I. King David
Gay survey in New Hampshire shows
voters undecided
No charges, no changes in Winona
Charge of gay-bias drug case
under investigation in NYC
Lesbian legally adopts partner's
Letter about caucuses from T Max
Carbon: Robert Meslinsky to Group
Carbon: Campbell to the Advocate
on (Earl?) Craig
NOW letter on Kowalski
Victims of police brutality
remembered week of March 3
'Tis Pity She's a Whore reviewed
Furious debate over name of next
march on D.C.
Don't Get Bashed
Albee arrested for public nudity
Muslim pilgrims from Nigeria
screened for AIDS
Reconstructionist Jews' board
calls for gay equality
PWA-scientist concludes aspirin
slows virus
PWA with meningitis kills in car
Homeless PWA dies a block away
from AIDS office
Clinton puts gay on top committee
Gay activist appointed judge in
Texas sodomy law ruled
Truman Capote show at Ordway
March 3-8
Volunteers needed for AIDS Quilt
Issue #280 March 2, 1992
Gay victims rejected this
assassin / Joel Larson, John Chenoweth murdered by
T Johnson)
ACT UP storms Sioux Falls
ACT UP distributes condoms at
Sioux Falls High
Wrestler accuses four teammates
of rape
AIDS activists push in window a
Bush Headquarters in New Hampshire
Jay Johnson's story needs to be
1895 gay bashing scene recreated
by Proust
Larry Kramer's letter for
homeless PWAs
Coming Out Day and family values
Distortion deftly mirrored in new
play at Illusion
Rootstalker makes provocative debut
Sex, scat and Holy Writ: Chapter
AIDS Consortium grants $35,722
Wellstone supports all NGLTF
Imperial Court crowned at Gay 90s
Lesbian co-parent wins victory in
Pop against homophobia
Schwarzenegger nude in Spy
Buchanan ads feature nude black
gay men
HUD ends hold-up on AIDS housing
Cracker Barrel backs down
Lambda joins suit to keep LA
bathhouses open
Holobaugh to head ACLU's military
Issue #281 March 16, 1992
This is our last issue! Thanks to all who
Jodie Belknap joins Reformation
High school girl with HIV
distributes condoms with ACT UP in South Carolina. Mom helps!
Con. Jerry Studds demands list of
unfunded AIDS proposals
Tom Newell, 53, stabbed 27 times,
Brian Coyle bust in progress
Letter from professor studying
childless adults
Letter: Anarchists defend their
Letter: re religious ceremony at
the Quilt
Letter to MN Public Utilities
Com. on call tracing
Editorial: Rename the Human
Rights Campaign Fund
Response from HRCF
Wisconsin lesbian, others funded
Gay deputy sheriff Tom Woodard
forces jury trial over firing
HRCF joins boycott of United Way
over Boy Scouts
Issues #267 August 19, 1991
Hate shootings? Two wounded, two killed. No arrests: Roland
Thomas, Joel Larson, John
Chenoweth and Cord Draszt
“Soviet Stonewall'” July 23 in
Moscow, Leningrad
Afro-American casting at Guthrie
in Death of a Salesman
Mike Lynch obit
Chicano also wounded in Loring
Lazy scholarship mars The Vinyl Closet
J Eric Peters letter analyzing
Jeffrey Dahmer
Helms and Dahmer related by Eric
Photo Jeff Luedke with yellow
ribbons for gay bashing
Tatu by Kore for those itching
for ink
Soviet Stonewall continued
Robert Patrick: Straight talk on
Marked for Life by Larry Larson
Cabaret called burlesque, tragic
and pungent
Hate shootings: Can homophobic
PDs solve them?
Emma Hixson cartoon with
invisible gay cop
Har Mar Mall entrapment
Cop and teacher convicted of
sodomy in car
Group helps HIV infected
Carolina queers adopt a highway
Link found between HIV, nervous
Scouts to form program that
allows gays, girls and atheists
Issue #268 September 3, 1991
Brian Coyle dies of HIV and AZT
Shay King bashing disturbs
Editorial: Why do gay men cruise
so much?
Carlson's statement on violence
silent vis a vis gays
Allan Spear joins Fam/Child board
Wellstone letter on bashing
Todd Hubbard's letter bashing
Sarcastic letter fun/love Jack
Baptist letter of support, Jerry
A better princess letter, Tim
Thanks from Coyle family letter
Boy's Life reviewed
Out disburses $100,000
Coming out on campus: a dilemma
Tatu by Kore for those itching
for ink
Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos reviewed
Next march on DC April 25, 1993
Men resist HIV longer than women
Free condoms at Balboa High
Robert Patrick: Arsty-fartsy
Dannemeyer's “conspiracy”
Square One reviewed
NYC candidate reveals HIV status
New York AIDS walk nets $573,500
HIV+ soldiers quarantined at Ft
CDC proposes redefining AIDS in
LA center gets $25,000 for youth
PWA gets 25 years for biting
Polio vaccine for AIDS?
Issue #269 September 16, 1991
Campbell runs for Minneapolis City Council
Jim Barbeau, 34, dies of stroke
100 gather at Chicano planned
Joe Disabato dies suddenly
Al Oertwig letter
Jonathan Katz letter on outing
Mississippi River extremes
San Jose gay basher given light
HIV-AIDS connection challenged in
assault case
South Bay rights attorney
The trial of Willie Baker and HIV
Robert Patrick: Supreme envy
Tommy Tune bashes Schwarzenegger
The Way We Live Now reviewed
Sydney's gay parade bigger than
Major challenges HIV testing in
Air Force
Barbara Bush calls Congress
"a pain"
Hustlers get 20 years for murder
Houston Post fires gay columnist
Falwell's new homophobic campaign
Gays protest PBS
Protesters vacation with Bushes
Gay bill in CA senate
Army officer shoots self, alleged
Issue #270 October 7, 1991
Gays lose Sixth Ward seat;
frontrunner promises lesbian/gay center in ward
A stereotype is born: Officer
Tony Miranda
Sketch of suspect in Joel Larson
Women and AIDS: What you don't
know can hurt you
GALA leadership confab slated in
Carbon Copy: Sykora letter to
Fraser and Laux
Funding Consortium's open letter
Steve Rocheford to Carol Johnson
Lavender ribbons to protest
anti-gay violence
100,00 postcards vs. 40,000
postcard on immigration ban for AIDS
Evergreen Chronicles picks new
Perry Tilleraas obit
Jim Thomas obit
Mitch Bain obit
Tom Murphy obit
Todd Butterfield obit
Photo story: Oct 1 ACT UP action
in DC
No Exit reviewed
Actors for Change plan first show
Queers left out of Desert Storm
Guarded reaction to LeVay's
Simon LeVay and Mike Signorile at
Pentagon holding out on Studds
No gay ads for Trojan condoms
Ferraro speaks at HRCF dinner in
Rome gets gay center
Universal health care demos Oct 1
Combo test for HIV-1 and HIV-2 licensed by FDA
Pete Wilson vetoes gay rights
bill in CA
Issue #271 October 21, 1991
Opinion: Uncle Sam makes a stern
chaperon (Analysis of the Anita Hill Clarence Thomas controversy)
Opinion: Demanding universal
health care
Letter Spear and Clark support
Kristina Wolff letter about
Max Hubbard letter opposing
mandatory testing
Dennis Miller letter opposing
mandatory testing
Army seeks discharge of top nurse
Navy's charges against Clayton
Hartwig discredited
Georgia case ponders lesbian contracts
Community Research Initiative may
Wings of Hummingbird reviewed
Rick Simon letter about
Lojo Russo's letter about Annie's
Georgia Attorney Gen sued by
AIDS extortion in Pittsburgh
30% of PWAs are over 40
UPI radio reporter signs off due
Studds releases latest Pentagon
Denver hearing officer rules for
Helms wins vote on art
Issue #272 November 4, 1991
AIDS 10 Years: A wrap-up
Male witch hunting (Translated
from French)
Health Department wants six new
laws for AIDS
Private Idaho no gay Disneyland
Dignity characterizes Whore
John Preston visits one of his
Gay Men's Chorus announces 11th
Robert Patrick: Dear Pinocchio
Robert Sykora letter to Police
Nick Minenko exhibit
Danny Kaye, L. Olivier outed in
Adventists win lawsuit over name
Obscenity law scrapped by
Tom Campbell bill stirs AIDS
Cracker Barrel cans queers
Brown asked if he practices safe
Oberlin lesbian, gay, bi alumni
Issue #273 November 18, 1991
Boy George coming to Gay 90's
Gay basher pleads guilty, gets
light sentence
Opinion: Dykes canceling out fags
DFL Feminist Caucus elects 2 men
1 woman
Natl League Umpire Dave Pallone
talks at St. Olaf's
Letter from Russian
Letter: Bi who won't vacillate
Letter: In defense of bisexuals
Van Sant on kiss in Private Idaho
79% support access to
experimental drugs
Sentinel staffers fired over
mayoral byline
Grapes of Wrath reviewed
Peter Staley joins AmFAR board
Quote on invisibility
Senate reverses on Helms
Robert Brown resigns from AmFAR
under fire
Oral hearings for Joe Steffan
Dartmouth gives ROTC an ultimatum
Activists demand AIDS czar
CDC testing waters with HIV tests
upon admission to hospitals
Producer Joseph Papp dies
Pee-Wee Herman sentenced to do
Obscenity law scrapped in
Issue #274 December 2, 1991
Sherry Harris wins in Seattle
Today's feminism… tomorrow's
Calif. gays and lesbians explode
over AB 101
Amnesty Intl includes gays and
Philanthrofund gives $8,000 to 29
Lesbian persecution documentation
Columnist Barreiro on Magic
Johnson's fans
Pro-gay ads in Tacoma cause
Gay Peace Corps forming
Actors for Change, Skye Smith reviewed
Improved computer catalogue at
public library
Omicron reviewed
Masquerade promises Liz,
$2,000,000 mask
U doctors may have to take AIDS
21% failure for condoms?
AmFAR awards $4.2 million, funds
new virusresearch
Editors of Essence, New Republic
come out
Monkey virus found in Houston
Wilson vetoes gay rights and
sensitivity training
Virginia law against gay bars
Anti-gay Tampa monsignor arrested
in bookstore
Gay chorus only allowed during
sexuality week
Minnesota Vikings give HIV tests
Issue #275 December 16, 1991
“Judge Homo” backs Navy in Joe
Steffan case
Opinion: Abusive mothers breed
abusive boys by JR Molloy
Bob Johnson letter on women and
PFLAG letter seeking volunteers
SHOUT letter about group
Intl Gay Travel Assn letter about
HIV ban
I Can't See the Sky reviewed
The Desired Effect reviewed
Unicorn duo worth holiday time
Fladmark becomes coordinator at
Gay Sex goes to press at last
Jodie Foster honored
MAFC awards $37,000
$1,000 raised at Gem Cafe
$4,000 now in Conciliation Court
Robert Patrick: Recent travels
Resolution supports gays in
AIDS definition could double
AIDS and hepatitis C relativity
Gay porn director arrested
Milwaukee school board
Modern Maturity and Malcolm Boyd
Domestic partners registration in
Ann Arbor
Frances Faye dies
Anti-sense technology may work on
Issue #276 January 6, 1992
Mob terrorizes queer hangout in
Tim Campbell's letter to Winona
Help! Letter from Winona teachers
Petrelis files complaint against
Buchanan's henchmen
Grace House appoints director
Eddie Bolden elected VP at AFSCME
NOW president shares husband,
Ft Worth Rotary rejects gay
Murder charges dismissed against
gay jaywalker
New Orleans passes gay rights
Drag impersonates Queen at German
Bashers freed when cop fails to
show for trial
Issue #277 January 20, 1992
Earl Craig murdered by pick-up
Winona youths now fighting
Sex and the Holy Writ, Introduction
1991 films reviewed by Allen
AIDS Action Council announces
George Stambolian dies of AIDS
ACT UP TV ads rejected in New
Teens face high AIDS risk
Rose Garden to commemorate NYC
Winona looks at harassment
Earl Craig's legacy
Presbyterian resigns under
Gemini reviewed by John Townsend
Mass. gay youth suicide bill dies
Schering gives $100,000 to AmFAR
HRCF hires Cooper to work
presidential elections; Petrelis already on site in N.H.
MN Supreme Court asked to rule on
Bank of America sued by stripper
CDC delays expanding AIDS
Product may slow AIDS weight
loss, Squibb claims
Report questions link between
AIDS, experiments with malaria vaccination
Issue #278 February 3, 1992
Rape and robbery at
Psychiatrist Ralph Laskey shoots
Ron McCoy in AIDS mercy killing
Earl Craig defended
Winona Daily runs series on gays
and lesbians
Midwest poll: few changing sexual
ACT UP organizes loudest and
largest protest against Bush in New Hampshire pre-primaries
Letter from Winona teachers
Letter: Former basher writes
Winona Post
Letter John Simcox: Extremes of
feminism criticized
Letter: First Bank's neglect
Letter: Child custody plaintiffs.
Diane Schlotman
The Birthday Party reviewed
Fag Hag reviewed
Don't Get Bashed (Campaign
AIDS benefit raises $1,600
Baltimore County rejects gay
Trial starts for Aileen Wuornos,
serial killer and lesbian
Lambda sues Sheriff's Academy in
San Diego
Peter Pender leaves $2.26 million
to AmFAR
Cops' "gay decoy"
program under fire in NYC
US pushing condoms abroad but not
at home
AIDS under-reported among upper
Cop charged with exploiting gays
Petition calls for separate
police in LA, W.Hollywood
Issue #279 February 17, 1992
Witnesses debunk claims of scare
letter regarding Larson and Chenoweth murders
A name omitted for safety reasons
Sex and the Holy Writ. Part I. King David
Gay survey in New Hampshire shows
voters undecided
No charges, no changes in Winona
Charge of gay-bias drug case
under investigation in NYC
Lesbian legally adopts partner's
Letter about caucuses from T Max
Carbon: Robert Meslinsky to Group
Carbon: Campbell to the Advocate
on (Earl?) Craig
NOW letter on Kowalski
Victims of police brutality
remembered week of March 3
'Tis Pity She's a Whore reviewed
Furious debate over name of next
march on D.C.
Don't Get Bashed
Albee arrested for public nudity
Muslim pilgrims from Nigeria
screened for AIDS
Reconstructionist Jews' board
calls for gay equality
PWA-scientist concludes aspirin
slows virus
PWA with meningitis kills in car
Homeless PWA dies a block away
from AIDS office
Clinton puts gay on top committee
Gay activist appointed judge in
Texas sodomy law ruled
Truman Capote show at Ordway
March 3-8
Volunteers needed for AIDS Quilt
Issue #280 March 2, 1992
Gay victims rejected this
assassin / Joel Larson, John Chenoweth murdered by
T Johnson)
ACT UP storms Sioux Falls
ACT UP distributes condoms at
Sioux Falls High
Wrestler accuses four teammates
of rape
AIDS activists push in window a
Bush Headquarters in New Hampshire
Jay Johnson's story needs to be
1895 gay bashing scene recreated
by Proust
Larry Kramer's letter for
homeless PWAs
Coming Out Day and family values
Distortion deftly mirrored in new
play at Illusion
Rootstalker makes provocative debut
Sex, scat and Holy Writ: Chapter
AIDS Consortium grants $35,722
Wellstone supports all NGLTF
Imperial Court crowned at Gay 90s
Lesbian co-parent wins victory in
Pop against homophobia
Schwarzenegger nude in Spy
Buchanan ads feature nude black
gay men
HUD ends hold-up on AIDS housing
Cracker Barrel backs down
Lambda joins suit to keep LA
bathhouses open
Holobaugh to head ACLU's military
Issue #281 March 16, 1992
This is our last issue! Thanks to all who
Jodie Belknap joins Reformation
High school girl with HIV
distributes condoms with ACT UP in South Carolina. Mom helps!
Con. Jerry Studds demands list of
unfunded AIDS proposals
Tom Newell, 53, stabbed 27 times,
Brian Coyle bust in progress
Letter from professor studying
childless adults
Letter: Anarchists defend their
Letter: re religious ceremony at
the Quilt
Letter to MN Public Utilities Com.
on call tracing
Editorial: Rename the Human
Rights Campaign Fund
Response from HRCF
Wisconsin lesbian, others funded
Gay deputy sheriff Tom Woodard
forces jury trial over firing
HRCF joins boycott of United Way
over Boy Scouts
A brief history of how the GLC Voice started is found below in this blog.
Contact info as of 2013
email timcampbellxyx@yahoo.com
713 739-7576
Houston TX 77019